• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024

  • On Linux files and folders have permissions info for owner, group and everyone else. So you can set individual permissions for these.

    By setting the owner to root, if you want to make your user able to read/write that folder, you must either give permissions to everyone to read/write OR assign a group to the folder, give the group permissions to read/write and add your user to that group.

    If you instead set your user as the owner of the folder, you can make only your user able to read/write without other fuss.

    If you are a newbie, stick to gui file manager. Can you please tell me what file manager are you using? Most of the time you can change permissions thru right click > propriety > permissions.

  • /mnt/something has root as Owner. So When I try to move something to Trash, it’s not allowing me to do

    You have to change permissions or owner of that folder (not /mnt itself but the subfolder “something”).
    If I’m not wrong changing permissions is enough to use gui “move to trash”, you can use chmod thru cli (man chmod) o your gui file manager with root privileges.

    If you want only your user be able to read/write to that disk, then change the owner using chown thru cli (man chown) or again your gui file manager.

  • Thanks for the alternatives.

    I’m currently using a used ('cause fuck Google, you’re not gettin my money) Pixel phone with GrapheneOS (since my Pinephone stopped turning on) with TrackerControl and InviZible Pro. Is nice having a real clean AOSP rom with privacy/security customization.

    GrapheneOS also provide an indeed cool feature: a proxy for Android services provided by Google, like Attestation key provisioning, Widevine provisioning, SUPL and PSDS. Does CalyxOS and/or LineageOS provide something like this?
    Thanks in advance.