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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Yeah they need the community for that. They needed the community for everything. And you know what? Go on that site right now. It’s just endless dribble. Reformatted TikTok videos posted by bots. People endlessly repeating the same shit over and over again. Bots copying those endlessly repeated comments on the subsequent reposts. Where’s the stuff that made Reddit special? Has there been a chuck testa meme or noteworthy cool event like a good ama or the Christmas exchange that’s occurred recently? Is there content coming out of the site that’s making the news like it once did? Is the spark there? No

    Now it’s just another corporate whore of a company where a bunch of sparkling water drinking pussies with erectile dysfunction sit around trying to figure out how they can best game the system to exploit their pageviews.

    The ceo of this company comes out embracing Elon Musk, whines about how the community is cutting into his bottom line, and we are supposed to sit around continuing to provide this man with the content he needs to keep his website alive?

    Fuck that.

    I think the people who create the gold that makes the internet what it is have sort of scattered to the ether and they’re waiting for the next thing to pop up. When it happens you’ll see that spark come about once more. Actual interesting content. Good topical memes. A fun atmosphere that doesn’t feel exploited by some pretentious pricks.

    I want it to be lemmy and the fediverse. We are lying to ourselves if we think this caught all the people stepping off the sinking ship. But I think with some collective upgrades and a way better ui that can be marketed to the average person. This could and should be it.

    Here’s hoping we see that happen.

  • So I’ve done lots of cpr. First off it’s kind of a misconception that you’ll break ribs from cpr. You are more likely to break cartilage than actually break bones and appropriate cpr isn’t going to break bones unless they’re the smallest most frail person and the individual doing cpr is going crazy doing compressions.

    Even if you break ribs you’re probably not going to have a displaced rib fracture as there’s muscles and tissue holding those bones in place, it’s pretty rare to have ribs break so bad they risk puncturing organs and it usually involves catastrophic trauma, not what you get from cpr.

  • The bigger criticism against Rockstar is as they swing for the fences they’re building the framework to effectively heard western children in like cattle so they can milk them for a generation using their online service.

    I can’t wait for the collaboration with Fannie Mae where your 26 percent interest rate comes with 50000 shark card points.

  • Rockstar has delivered consistently and set new standards far more than Bethesda. I love Bethesda but I’ve learned over the years that you can’t trust Todd. I held off on starfield and was right. I got bamboozled by fallout 76.

    You can disagree with certain decisions by Rockstar but you can’t deny the track record. They get it done.

    You’re right we don’t have the full picture but after 30 years of gaming hype I can tell you theyre shooting for the moon here. And if any developer will successfully stick the landing it’s Rockstar.

  • Who knows how they will approach this. It’s clear they’re going to an even higher level of detail and a more living world. It appears to be a move to up things to the next level which is exactly what we have gotten with basically every gta game.

    All I know for sure is my graphics card just committed suicide after watching this trailer

  • What isn’t happening? Them making fake csam? I haven’t seen it because I don’t want to see it but I am connnnfident it’s occurring. Some kid already got busted feeding images of girls in his class into an image generator and making nudes out of them.

    So while it might not be wide spread it’s 100 percent happening and will increase.

    Honestly releasing these generators to the general public was a mistake. They thought they could put up safety measures but they’re easily bypassed. I think they should have kept them locked up and only give access to people who are registered and trackable with people reviewing what they’re generating.

    All of these ai generators are getting abused left and right and anyone who didn’t think that would happen is an idiot.

  • RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlTrue next-gen graphics
    9 months ago

    Starfield is just a mess. I think Todd assumed he could ride the Skyrim goodwill into the sunset with his subsequent games because he’s consistently failed to deliver since then. I love the jank of a good Bethesda game because at its heart you have a true rpg that lets you roam and complete quests how you see fit. Starfield removed the roaming and the exploration and left some very mediocre storytelling and quests in its wake. Without that magic you’re just left with increasingly awful jank that can’t be ignored.

    Thank god for Xbox game pass, I was only out about 15 dollars and was able to try the game without committing 70 dollars.

  • It’s Hollywood. Think about how we now know like every major rockstar from the 70s thru the 90s was openly having sex with teenagers. Now look at what we have uncovered about the rape based economy of movies and tv. These guys were raping men women and children with impunity for decades. It’s no wonder that their films would reflect that.

    Up till now and likely still today, if you wanted to be successful in hollywood you weren’t getting a seat at the table until they got exactly what they wanted. Try to resist and watch as your career went up in flames. Ashley Judd remembers.

    It’s not surprising at all that this time period was all just an extension of that. Working child rape into movies was just them expressing themselves.

  • Just do a deep dive on all the super Fucking uncomfortable 80s and 90s tv shows and movies where it’s totally acceptable for an adult to have a sexual encounter with a child. It’s sold as a gag or the adult ‘ struggles with their urges’ or whatever. Totally normal, haha funny.

    Imagine if there were a movie like Leon the professional that featured a gay man or a transgender person. The world would lose its mind and string up the director for child abuse.

    I’m in full support of lgbt characters that are ‘normalized’ and treated like everyone else. It’s such a non issue it’s crazy to me that it’s even a concern in anyone’s mind.

  • Would anyone like to run a statistical analysis of the number of gay characters that have been present in Disney movies, or really movies in general?

    They’re forcing gay characters on us! Help I’m being oppressed! Chill the Fuck out and watch literally 99 percent of all movies that have ever been made if you’re worried about being underrepresented.

    Let’s sit down and watch all of the movies that feature a white savior ‘knowing what’s best’ for poor and minority characters. Look at their unbridled altruism! They don’t have to associate with those pesky poors but they choose to do it on account of their saintliness! Get the fuck outta here.

  • RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlIts happening
    9 months ago

    The problem is that it’s extremely difficult to tease out what the impact is when pretty much everyone is exposed to it and has it in their system. Are there connections between these chemicals and autism or cancer? We are just starting to see the preliminary data on the subject.

    For me it’s a matter of not being interested in waiting to find out 30 years down the road. My personal belief is that there is no such thing as food safe plastic and especially not when it’s heated or stored for long periods. I believe that there is and will continue to be a concerted effort to downplay any uncovered impact and to ensure till the last second that no steps are taken to regulate the billion dollar plastics/ manufacturing industry. The spice must flow just as the plastics must flow.

    Maybe that’s a bit too far in the conspiracy theory vein but name a more iconic duo than large corporations and covering up known flaws and risks for the sake of profit. If nothing else I do not think you lose anything by shifting to glass and certain metals for cooking and storing food. And steps have to be taken to minimize exposure to food packaging that is sprayed with pfas. Looking at you, literally all fast food packaging.

    Couple these revelations with what we know about hyper processed foods and it’s no wonder why so many Americans are dumb as Fuck and have so many health problems. We are being poisoned because of our insistence on convenience. We literally have great options for all of these things that are more sustainable and less toxic but we still can’t be inconvenienced by a paper wrapper on a hamburger that might end up a little wet on the ride home.

    Of course even with all these steps there’s only so much one can do when you’re literally inhaling plastic from the atmosphere. But it’s certainly a move in the right direction.

  • It’s only an estimate. It’s closer to only 20 percent not producing antibodies. Some percentage of that is people having immuno compromise and not developing humeral immunity even though they’ve likely been exposed. Then there’s testing failure. None of these tests are 100 percent sensitive.

    I do believe though like what. Ten to fifteen percent of people have isolated for three years and not gotten it. I’d buy that for sure. And there are a lot of places where you just don’t encounter people often. People that naturally were distanced from others just sort of…kept doing what they were doing.

  • RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlI should buy a lottery ticket
    9 months ago

    This is just multiple ways of saying what I said. Outside of some extreme outliers every person has come in contact with the virus. But that doesn’t always translate to extreme illness or even mild illness. As you said some people are naturally resistant or have other means of a defense that doesn’t lead to a significant illness after exposure.

    So really the more accurate thing to say is that you never got sick from your covid exposure. Again you have to divide this further into those who genuinely have never had cold like symptoms since 2023 and those who are just in denial about it. I’ve come across a few people who proudly claim they’ve never had it but have shown up to work coughing and hacking. Lol sure you haven’t.

  • RaincoatsGeorge@lemmy.ziptoMemes@lemmy.mlI should buy a lottery ticket
    9 months ago

    Yeah people are confusing subclinical disease with not ever having it. Outside of total extreme isolation you had it at some point. You didn’t know you had it. You were in denial about having it. But you had it.

    Tests are not 100 percent sensitive. Or many people just chose not to test themselves. But if you were interacting with the general population in the past 3 years you have had covid.