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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023


  • Eh, there are different kinds of “spicy”. Depending on how dead your receptors are after eating that “spicy” food before.

    So if you don’t notice some kind of spices anymore, and are going to try the same amount of something you’ve not tried before, it may be painful until your receptors are dead to that too.

    Personally I think it’s simply bad taste and bad cuisine to put large amounts of spices and salt into food. You should feel the actual flavor of what you are eating behind spices and herbs and salt and sugar and what not.

  • I think it’s just a difference between European countries with good government and the rest of the world in the way big industrial areas were repurposed after industrial production moved to other parts of the world. In the last 30-40 years.

    They may expect a good modern city to look like some old-old districts formed in the times where traveling far for groceries wasn’t an option, surrounded by those big repurposed areas with regular planning and a lot of modern bright shiny stuff on the place of old factories, warehouses etc, and with good public transport.

  • Ideologies aren’t about dogmatism, but about coherent groups of conclusions based on underlying analysis.

    This sentence translates to choosing a model and then trying to hammer the reality to fit under it. Which is obviously dogmatism.

    The funniest part is that leftist pseudointellectualism, where there is no actual discussion happening, but a leftist thinks there is because of the tone they use. Also hints at them acting this way in other situations, that is, being used to dogmatism.

    Without dogmatism people change models like tools, each one for its own job. They don’t call themselves any kind of -ist.

    It’s pretty telling that you out yourself as a Libertarian though, lmao.

    Literally the opposite of what I’ve said, lmao. Reading comprehension skills on par with your self-identification.

  • Leftist ideologies include dogmatic statements. Just like all other ideologies. Otherwise we wouldn’t use the word “ideology” at all.

    If this were true, you’d say that left ideas are the closest to your expectation of what’s best and that’d be fine, and not call yourself leftist. Now it’s as if you are putting ideology above practice.

    Which would be the same as me always feeling as if I were lying while, say, saying that I’m a libertarian or a distributist, because I have no permanent attachment to any ideology, just these seem sane now. So I rarely say that and feel bad when I do.

    Which efficient and not failing systems does your kind of leftists propose?

  • Leaving it open is a valid political position of making efficiency more important than ideology.

    I don’t know which architectures may be invented in the future to work, I’m not against them coming from leftist premises, but I’ve met fewer leftists interested in even imagining them than libertarians or even conservatives.

    When most leftists are too busy with hating on groups of people and thinking about what others own, it’s really hard to talk to them about anything real.

  • I think that at some point in your life you gotta face the fact that there is a sizeable percentage of population that is going to disagree with you whatever your opinion is

    You don’t have to face it all the time without asking for it though.

    And more than that, sometimes you’re gonna say dumb things and in that moment you need the checks and balances of other individuals to tell you that you’re an asshole.

    Has nothing to do with reactions. Just telling someone they are an asshole is simply noise. And upvotes\downvotes do not allow you to embed arguments.

    The opposite mechanism of that is called echo chambering and in less than two decades of social media already produced flat earthers, incels, anti-vaxxers and a fresh rise of fascism in western society.

    Actually this very mechanism is called echo chambering. When you pressure people thinking differently to be silent, so they leave. And, of course, those groups you’ve mentioned existed long before social media.

    Being wrong is not the end of the world, admitting that and trying to fix it is the first step towards being a better individual.

    Which is why wrong people shouldn’t have the downvote\upvote button, and right people don’t use those anyway.