Simple question: Will you go back to Reddit and other centralized social media platforms, if Reddit step back from the API changes? The benefits of Reddit are obvisiouly, it has million of users and even small communitys have thousands of users.

For me it’s pretty clear, after deleting my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Discord accounts, the decentraliced Fediverse is my future in social media. Even with an very much smaller community, i’m not willing to be treated as ad-cow for the big corps.

But what do you think about your future in social media? Fediverse or Reddit, Meta, Google and all the others? Or will you go safe and use both, to have an backup option?

(Image by Alan Frijns from Pixabay)

  • Charley
    1 year ago

    On the one hand, I’ve gone to the trouble of setting up a Lemmy instance. I’ve invited some users. If they stick around, I’ll definitely keep it up and running, and keep using it myself. That doesn’t mean I can’t use Reddit.

    The point of the protest, in my opinion, has to be that if they accede to our demands, we’ll do something they like. So if they make API access cost something reasonable, then it would only make sense to reward them. Otherwise, why protest at all? Why wait till now?