• Most people don’t know how to operate a search engine and Google is becoming more useless every single day. If I Google a technical topic older than five years I only find blog spam, if I Google an error message two thirds of the results are .it domains redirecting to some kind of malware kit/gambling ad, and Google will replace words I put in quotes because it thinks I’m an idiot.

    Recently, I’ve started having to put quotes around two word searches because Google assumes only the first word is important and the second word can be ignored entirely.

    Bing has never been great at finding anything and duckduckgo is basically Bing and Google combined.

    I want to be able to put Google in 2005 mode where I can just use my damn boolean search operators. If I want to accept synonyms I’ll add a goddamn tilde in front of a word! I know how quotes work! I even use allinurl sometimes, although that only works after you finish a CAPTCHA because every allinurl must be a Google dork according to the magical algorithm.