• limeaide@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Do you think that with that price it will be successful enough to make new versions?

    Also how often would they release a new version? I doubt they would release a yearly headset.

    Tbh this is just my opinion but i don’t think the vision pro devices will have a long lifetime

    • harbo@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Thank you. I just screenshotted this comment. I think you might be the single most wrong person on the planet right now.

      • limeaide@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Like i said, it’s my opinion. We’ve seen many products in the tech space die because of the steep prices. Apple themselves has done it a couple times

        Could you explain your side instead of just insulting me?

        Edit: i don’t think just the price would kill it off, but the small target audience paired with the price will. I think apple should have made this product to convince the average consumer that a headset like this is worth instead of jumping head first into the Pro space. I think they should have done something similar to what Facebook did with the Oculus 1. A cheap product aimed at the average gamer, but with their famous apple polish

        Maybe it won’t die, but I think the steep price definitely made the headset more of a meme. As a VR/AR fan I hope I’m wrong

        • harbo@lemmy.ml
          1 year ago

          If you don’t get it you don’t get it. Idk what to tell you. This is gonna change everything. Not as fast as the iPhone did at that price point, but it and the platforms it makes possible will be ubiquitous eventually just the same.

            • harbo@lemmy.ml
              1 year ago

              If Lemmy still exists in 4 years I hope you haven’t deleted your comment or your account. I will remember you, and I will be back.

              • limeaide@lemmy.ml
                1 year ago

                You have yet to explain your reasons lol. Do you even know?? I usually don’t respond to comments like yours but i genuinely want to know your POV

                I have no doubt the DNA of this device will live in our future with AR glasses getting smaller and smaller each year, but those things have been products for years and concepts for decades

                Apple really isn’t doing much this time around to innovate concepts, but the technology is there fs. Not necessarily new technology, but they’re the only ones willing to put all of the technology in a consumer device and charge what they’re charging. There have been enterprise and concept devices capable of doing similar things for a while now tho

                • harbo@lemmy.ml
                  1 year ago

                  All the same reasons the iPhone was successful. It’s cooler than anything that came before it and people want it. I want one so bad and I have no practical use for it. But being able to hang out on a secluded beach with a massive TV window floating in front of me? You’re just out of touch if you think people aren’t going to want that.

                  • limeaide@lemmy.ml
                    1 year ago

                    You just proved my point. Apple didn’t give the average consumer a practical use for it. Apple didn’t give the pro consumer a practical use for it either. They didn’t showcase any real use for it aside from their cool features that most people wouldn’t pay that money for.

                    If it was a pro gaming device it would blow up in the gaming space. If it was a pro productivity device that replaced a computer it would be amazing. But right now there’s no real direction.

                    I’m not saying it’s not cool or anything like that. The features are cool but they’re not “pro.” And that’s why I think it shouldnt be priced at $3500.

                    Let’s admit it, Facebook made a mockery out of VR and AR with their whole metaverse campaign. I was just hoping that apple would bring back some dignity into the space and give the average consumer a reason to even consider buying one. The average consumer wouldn’t buy a $3500 gadget just bc it’s cool and like you said, most people don’t and won’t have a practical use for it

                    If you’re looking for a cheaper and lighter media consumption device i would look into the nreal air or even the Oculus quest. I’m sure people will want it, but i doubt most people will want it enough to spend $3500