• nebm51@drlemmy.net
      1 year ago

      Don’t be, as Torrentfreak is not reliable source. Screenshot of the law on their site is about measures, similar to GPDR in Europe.

      Law about external auth services is talking only about all these login buttons like login with Google, with Apple, or Facebook.

      It is not required to use service (it’s Russian e-government service, pretty useful). There are still several options (yes, there is VK com, Russian “Facebook”). And it does not explicitly forbids plain old account creation with an email.

      • FaeDrifter@midwest.social
        1 year ago

        There are looots of reasons to feel bad for people living in Russia.

        For one, having a genocidal psychopathic dictator.

        For another, having only one flex: being capable of starting a nuclear holocaust that wipes out humanity.

        Russia isn’t bringing anything to the world except discord, war, corruption, and death. Russia is a net negative to the human species.

        • nebm51@drlemmy.net
          1 year ago

          I know Russian and I have read the law, full text is available on the government site.

          • cwagner@lemmy.cwagner.me
            1 year ago

            Fair enough, you have a direct link for me I could plug into deeply? My Russian doesn’t go past much more than ja ne snaju russki jesoik ;)

                • cwagner@lemmy.cwagner.me
                  1 year ago

                  Well, unexpectedly it turns out that Russian legalese translated into English is not suddenly easier to understand, especially when a lot of it references other laws. I also plugged the result into GPT4. FWIW, my reading and GPT4s both are somewhere between OP and TorrentFreak. TF indeed seems overly alarmist, but there are also a lot of worrysome tendencies in the text. Anyway, GPT4 replies and the translated text in full follow.

                  GPT4’s interpretation:

                  The detailed specifics of which “certain information systems and website pages” are subject to extra identification and authentication are not directly specified in this legal document excerpt. The law does refer to internet services or information systems that are owned by a Russian entity or citizen and operating within Russia’s territory. However, a comprehensive conclusion may require a full text review, including portions not contained in this excerpt, along with a deeper understanding of the specific context of related Russian laws and regulations. It’s also possible that specific applications of this law could be subject to further clarification or regulation by the Russian government.

                  GPT4’s summary:

                  This Russian law covers changes to the Federal Law on “Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection.” The amendments include:

                  1. A change in language from “rendering services” to “carrying out activities.”

                  2. Requirements for website owners who are Russian legal entities or citizens to provide specific forms of access to their pages or information systems. Identification requirements could include using a mobile radiotelephony operator, the “Unified system of identification and authentication," the “Unified system of identification and authentication of individuals using biometric personal data," or another system offering user authorization compatibile with protection requirements.

                  3. The establishment of regulatory responsibilities for hosting providers, including notifying federal bodies when they start providing computing power for information placement, ensuring protection requirements are met, and allowing authorized state bodies to carry out operational and investigative activities. Hosting providers are now also required to be listed in a new register that will be maintained by the federal executive body. Failure to comply with certain requirements can result in removal from the register, and those not listed in the register are not allowed to offer hosting services.

                  4. A definition that a news aggregator owner can be a citizen of Russia without dual citizenship, or a Russian legal entity controlled by the Russian Federation, an entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity, a citizen of the Russian Federation without dual citizenship or the persons controlled by them.

                  5. Regulations requiring that certain operators use hosting providers listed in a specifically approved list. Operators are also not allowed to use information systems or programs for electronic computing that belong to foreign legal entities or foreign citizens.

                  6. An addition of information on restricted access to information resources as part of the telecommunications services that can be intercepted by the authorized body.

                  And finally, the deepl translated text (with only 2 or 3 notes by myself in [brackets].

                  Article 1

                  To introduce the Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3448; 2010, N 31, Art. 4196; 2012, N 31, Art. 4328; 2013, N 14, Art. 1658; N 23, Art. 2870; N 52, Art. 6963; 2014, N 30, Art. 4223; 2015, N 1, Art. 84; N 29, Art. 4390; 2016, N 26, Art. 3877; N 52, Art. 7491; 2017, N 18, Art. 2664; N 24, Art. 3478; N 31, Art. 4827; N 48, Art. 7051; 2018, N 18, Art. 2572; N 27, Art. 3956; N 49, Art. 7523; N 52, Art. 8101; 2019, N 18, Art. 2214; N 49, Art. 6986; 2020, N 14, Art. 2035; 2021, N 1, Art. 18; N 11, Art. 1704; N 27, Art. 5059, 5094, 5116, 5183; 2022, N 50, Art. 8772; 2023, N 1, Art. 19, 32, 51) the following changes:

                  1. in paragraph 18 of Article 2 the words “rendering services” shall be replaced by the words “carrying out activities”;

                  . 2 of Art. 1 comes into force from 01.12.2023.

                  Article 8 [Right of access to information] shall be supplemented with part 10 as follows:

                  "10. The owner of a website and (or) page of a website on the Internet, and (or) information system, and (or) program for electronic computing machines, which is a Russian legal entity or a citizen of the Russian Federation and carries out its activities on the Internet on the territory of the Russian Federation, in case access to information placed on its website and (or) page of a website on the Internet, and (or) in its information system, and (or) program for electronic computing machines, is provided to users who have passed authorization, about

                  1. using a subscriber number of a mobile radiotelephony operator in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, on the basis of an identification agreement concluded by the owner of a website and (or) a page of a website on the Internet, and (or) an information system, and (or) a program for electronic computing machines with a mobile radiotelephony operator, except as provided for by this Federal Law;

                  2. with the use of the federal state information system “Unified system of identification and authentication in the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form” (hereinafter - the unified system of identification and authentication);

                  3. with the use of the state information system “Unified system of identification and authentication of individuals using biometric personal data” in the manner prescribed by Articles 9 and 10 of the Federal Law dated December 29, 2022, N 572-FZ “On identification and (or) authentication of individuals using biometric personal data, on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and invalidation of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter - the unified system of identification and authentication).

                  4. with the use of another information system providing authorization of users of sites and (or) pages of sites on the Internet, and (or) information systems, and (or) programs for electronic computers and complying with information protection requirements established by Article 16 of this Federal Law, the owner of which is a citizen of the Russian Federation who does not have citizenship of another state, or a Russian legal entity. Unless otherwise provided for by an international treaty of the Russian Federation, a Russian legal entity referred to in this paragraph shall be a legal entity controlled by the Russian Federation, and (or) a subject of the Russian Federation, and (or) a municipal entity, and (or) a citizen of the Russian Federation who does not have citizenship of another state, and (or) persons controlled by them jointly or separately. In this case, control means the ability to determine the decisions made by the said legal entity by virtue of having the right to directly or indirectly dispose of more than fifty percent of the total number of votes attributable to the voting shares (stakes) constituting the authorized capital of this legal entity.";

                  to supplement Article 10.2-1 as follows:

                  [Article 10. Dissemination of information or provision of information, seems to be about having identification for website owners]

                  "Article 10.2-1. Peculiarities of Regulation of Hosting Provider’s Activity

                  1. The hosting provider shall be obliged, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, to send a notification to the federal executive body exercising control and supervision in the sphere of mass media, mass communications, information technologies and communications, of the commencement of activities on the provision of computing power for the placement of information in an information system permanently connected to the Internet.

                  2. The hosting provider shall be obliged to ensure the implementation of the information protection requirements established by the federal executive body in the field of communications in coordination with the federal executive body authorized in the field of security, when providing computing power for placing information in the information system permanently connected to the Internet.

                  3. The hosting provider shall be obliged to ensure the implementation of the requirements for computing power used by the hosting provider, established by the federal executive body in the field of communications in coordination with the authorized state bodies carrying out operational and investigative activities or ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, for carrying out activities by these bodies in cases established by federal laws in order to implement the tasks assigned to them, as well as to take measures to prevent the disclosure of the authority’s information to the hosting provider. The procedure for interaction between hosting providers and authorized state bodies carrying out operational and investigative activities or ensuring security of the Russian Federation shall be established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

                  continued in reply, size limit

      • AndreTelevise@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        Russian-language independent media says otherwise. Websites like VK and RuTube will now require Russian Email addresses like yandex and mail-dot-ru.

  • Beej Jorgensen@lemmy.sdf.org
    1 year ago

    What a nightmare. Not sure how the Russian people get out from under this. I’m still pretty scared about the chances of similar laws in the US.