• AClassyGentleman@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Full disclaimer: I fell off Overwatch years ago, so this is just stuff I’ve picked up reading general game news, so I’m sure others will be more in-tune with what’s up but here’s an overview, at least:

    So first off OW2 as a thing was always kind of bizarre. When it was a battle(dot)net exclusive, it was free if you owned 1, and straight-up automatically replaced OW1 in your library. It behaved like an update would for any other game, and that’s because it kinda just was a big update to the game. Naturally there’s some back and forth about if the gameplay changes are good or not, but the big issue is monetization.

    So, when OW1 came out, they explicitly said that all content updates (basically things other than skins) would be free, including new characters, maps, etc. However, since OW2 was a “new” game, there was no risk of legal issues around false advertising if they were to start charging for new characters, which is exactly what they did. New characters now had to be unlocked via the battle pass (or purchased individually, I assume) in order to be playable, which obviously rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. (I vaguely remember this maybe being walked back to some degree after backlash, but I’m not sure one way or the other).

    And all of this comes as Activision/Blizzard is going through a genuinely horrific series of scandals around workplace conditions. Like, there’s genuinely too much to list here but famously, one of the OW characters was renamed since he was originally named after an employee who turned out to be a huge sexual abuser. There’s report after report coming out on an almost daily basis, and it’s abundantly clear that management (including infamous shitbag CEO Bobby Kotik) are intentionally trying to cover things up. Genuinely mind-boggling. At this point, it also becomes abundantly clear that ActiBlizz management is using OW as a distraction from the negative press they’re getting, regularly announcing new updates or “progressive” (big air quotes due to the extreme cynical corporate nature) character details within hours of major scandals breaking.

    So you’ve got all that on top of the usual toxicity that tends to form around competitive games if left unchecked. It’s kind of a mess.

    • BB69@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      New characters are free. You just have to hit level 45 or 55 (I don’t remember, I haven’t played in awhile).

      Or if you plop 10 bucks down on battle pass you get it immediately.

      People overreact about the character thing. You can’t even use them in comp for a few weeks after they launch, but have access in training area to at least get a feel for it