Hearing about others’ dreams has always been a subject that really interests me.

  • cwagner@lemmy.cwagner.me
    1 year ago

    Multi-part lucid dreaming story line when I was younger (10-16ish?). Some kind of magicians school, all magic I ever learned was floating a few meters above ground, which took a lot of concentration. I think overall it was 3 parts of the dream, with parts sometimes repeating (not exactly, just the same basic story). Many of my dreams were lucid in general, but others weren’t as interesting, I mainly used it to decide to wake up when a dream became uncomfortable.

    For close to 2 decades now, I haven’t really dreamed (not sure what the science says, do we always dream but not remember, or not?), with notable exceptions being after the first covid vaccine and when I stopped using nicotine in my ecigs about 2 years ago, both resulting in a few weeks of dreaming.