• Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    1 year ago

    Those are some very strange objections to F-Droid. The outdated signing software on the backend doesn’t really affect the end user, for a start. The signing key problem is also present in Google Play, the only other app store people actually use, and it’s intentional.

    F-Droid builds the sources developers make available, it doesn’t accept a developers 's build with the pinky promise that no malware was added when they compiled there code.

    The loose requirements are a feature, not a bug; things like a low API target level are why Termux still works on F-Droid but not on GPlay. This does pose some privacy risks because of API compatibility stuff, but because of the requirements for an app to be even listed on there, the impact is minimal.

    Should F-Droid improve their technical debt? Definitely. Does any of this pose an actual risk to users? Definitely not.