I know of someone who says they listen to Joe Rogan podcasts (political I assume) but I don’t know what this means or what the connotations are. Both this person and I live in east asia.

  • whofearsthenight@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    This. Alex Jones has been a not-infrequent guest. Jones, and others that Rogan has platformed in the guise of “just asking questions” are akin in my eyes to the ol’ “What do you call four nazis drinking with a fifth person? Five nazis.”

    Aside from that, he’s got a massive amount of absolutely horrifically bad scientific and medical opinions. I’ve heard him described and Gwyneth Paltrow but for tech bros, and even that’s a little generous. Shove a lemon up your hooha or whatever Gwyneth is up to is probably not quite as problematic as “take this horse tranq to cure your covid” esp. during the alpha wave.