• WarmSoda@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    If it was easier and cheaper then companies would be using it. But they don’t.

    • mateomaui@reddthat.com
      1 year ago

      That is very dumb logic. USPS Flat Rate boxes are free. USPS will pick those up like every other company. Sometimes if not often it is the cheapest option, and doing labels etc is no more complicated or involved than for UPS or FedEx. Many companies do offer that as a shipping option, and others don’t even when it makes no sense. It makes no sense to only offer overnight Fedex at a cost of over $90 for a $14 5ft long patch cable that could be put in a free box and sent for less than $8-10, and it still has free tracking included and will get there in 2-3 days. It’s just companies insisting on everything being fast shipping with tracking and signature confirmation etc etc, and they just don’t want to make options available that will take longer if you’re willing to wait for it.

      • WarmSoda@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        Oh I’m sorry. I misspoke.

        Obviously you have all the answers while none of the companies that ship products around the world everyday have any clue at all what they’re doing or how much it costs to send packages to an island in the middle of the ocean.

        I mean, seriously, how could entire industries have so little idea? You’re the next Bill Gates, my friend.

        Can you solve world hunger next?
        I love Armchair Logistics.

        You live on an island in the middle of the ocean. It took thousands of years for people to even get there in the first place. But sure. There’s magic teleporters that can send any package you want to you, of any size, at any time, that only you want. In the middle of the ocean.

        • brianorca@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          It’s not that those companies know more or less that that guy. It’s that the companies are too lazy to arrange a different shipping company to deal with the small percent of destinations where it’s advantageous. It’s outside their normal process, so it’s inherently more expensive even if the monetary cost is lower.

        • mateomaui@reddthat.com
          1 year ago

          Your ignorant opinions have been noted.

          I mean, I’ve provided two different examples of things that can be shipped for normal costs despite us living out here in the middle of the ocean but if you want to ignore that and act like you know everything in return, it’s just stupidity on your part.

          None of us living on the islands expect anything to be shipped here fast for cheap, but there are cheap options if you’re willing to wait for it to come via USPS by sea, and it’s anti-consumer to force those of us living here to only use the most expensive methods that come via air.

          And despite your ignorance, usually we can get free or cheap shipping even though we live all the way out here. It’s not like there have been zero improvements in shipping transportation. I’ve been talking about having things shipped over that are smaller than a loaf of bread, and you act like people moving here don’t pay to have cars and the contents of whole houses shipped over on a regular basis. We’re not THAT isolated.

          As someone who lives here and am fully aware of the shipping situations, your arguments are entirely dumb.


          further, if your shortsighted perspective were actually true, then I wouldn’t be able to use a company’s free shipping option to send it to someone on the mainland, and then have them forward it to me through USPS for a normal, non-outrageous rate. If our position in a large body of water actually meant as much for us as you seem to think it does, it would be just as expensive for that friend to forward it. It would be just as cheap for the company to send it directly to me via the same method for the same price, instead of me having to use a middle man. And if they sent it directly to me by that same method and charged me the reasonable cost, they wouldn’t have to eat the cost of sending it for free somewhere else.

          If you don’t understand this, you’re too dumb to be part of the conversation, which is already evident because I’m talking about using reasonably pricing shipping methods that already exist for us and do work, and you’re being a moron talking about “magic” things.

          • WarmSoda@lemm.ee
            1 year ago

            I’m surprised you’re not the CEO of a shipping company. Considering you know everything.

            You’re really leaning into the mirror hard repeating ignorance that much.

            • mateomaui@reddthat.com
              1 year ago

              If someone provides factual information about how things can currently be shipped here from one US Post Office to another, and you ignore those statements to push moronic points, then you are ignorant by definition. Like I said, you’re too stupid to be a part of this conversation. Mahalo for confirming that.

              I sent that last response to some of my friends with the note “look at how this dumbass thinks we have to live.” It’s been making its way around the coconut wireless, and we’ve been speculating on what state neglected your education, whether or not you’ve ever left that state or the basement, and whether or not you’re some dumb flat earther who thinks we cannot have things shipped here because the boat would sail off the edge of the world or something, and so we need “magic teleporters” to get anything here. You’re probably one of those dumb people who don’t know Hawaii is a US state and asks us where you can exchange US dollars for Hawaiian money, or bemoan having to leave Hawaii to return to the United States, and we’re like “you never left the US.” Or gets up to the top of a mountain ridge, looks out over the ocean and says something facepalm-worthy like “ooooooh what lake is that? Why didn’t I see that on the map?”

              Anyway this has been entertaining, but fortunately these platforms provide us tools to handle morons. Enjoy this block, you’ve earned it.

              • WarmSoda@lemm.ee
                1 year ago

                I’ve worked with carriers. All you guys are saying is “blah blah the customer is always right”. They never said anything realistic.

                You didn’t block me btw, lol Nice theatrics I guess.