I don’t really use facebook anymore so couldn’t care less; but so happened to log in today to change my password and saw this on my front page.

  • friend_of_satan@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    It’s fucking absurd that it’s 2023 and SMS still costs money on mobile plans that also have internet.

    SMS messages take less than 150 bytes of data. It’s hard to even explain how little data that is compared to everything your phone does that is IP based. With ATM and Ethernet, just the TCP and IP frame overhead is over 50 bytes, and TCP requires 3 packets just to start a socket, so you can literally send a max length SMS message in about the same data as the TCP overhead of an idle connection. Yet they charge people per message. If you were charged for every TCP socket setup your phone made you’d go bankrupt*.

    *not really, that was figurative hyperbole.