This is going to be a marathon. Not a sprint. It’ll take multiple years and many Lemmy improvements to kill Reddit.

What we can do however is raise awareness and even if things are slow and from time to time we have to use reddit for whatever reason, we might want to foster a soft pledge, commitment or intention of not posting any new content on reddit.

It does not matter if Reddit has millions of users if the actual content creators and skilled moderators are dropping off.

    1 year ago

    Look I was never a big content creator on reddit. I fancy myself a creative type though, writer and musician. The way I interacted with reddit was to just write heartfelt comments, mostly for my own growth. If I use reddit it will be for specific problem, like a google search… I would definitely make a soft pledge. As far as I’m concerned, I already have. My ideals do not with the reddit platform.
    The feddiverse is whatever we make it. Reddit is a company. I’m here to stay regardless.