I’ve been trying to find a good Marxist instance, but Lemmygrad and Hexbear are widely hated. Why is that? Are there any good leftist instances?

  • Saigonauticon@voltage.vn
    10 months ago

    Funny story, when I wanted to learn how something works, I’d just… follow one of the middlemen. Learned how to use the UBNQ, repair televisions (one shop in Q5 is the best, the rest just buy from it), legalize documents, and many other things this way :D

    It’s weird how it’s just some weird secular superstition too! There’s literally no difference between what they do and the obvious thing (fill out the form and hand it in). Yet everyone pays them like they are priests performing rituals to win the favor of some Greek god. Who would be I guess… Bureaucratos?

    Also /r/Vietnam can be a bit of a… cesspool of inequity. I mean ‘how do I commit crimes’ is a pretty common line of inquiry there. I try not to worry too much because those people won’t have a place in the future the rest of us are building :)