• baatliwala@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    It’s a great series but sadly I think it dates itself far too much with the references, jokes, and plot lines. A person who started watching in 2023 probably won’t enjoy it as much as someone who did around the release. Unfortunately reality of making a show focused on tech.

    That said I would love a new season based on everything GenAI and GPT, it would be amazing.

      • baatliwala@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Whoops guess I never replied for this

        Few examples I can think of in the show:

        • There’s many technologies shown were more impressive for their time. Jian Yang’s hot dog/not hot dog app or the joke that we were mislead to believe, that it would pick an object and identify what that object is is would genuinely have been more impressive at the release of the episode and not so much now. There’s things like drones, AI where at release you thought “wow imagine a future with these” compared to now where the future for these has actually arrived.
        • IIRC the last season starts with Richard Hendriks testifying in court, and it’s a big reference to Zuckerberg doing the same for I think the Cambridge Analytica scandal? The moment would be lost today
        • Lots of things around the opening sequence which changed per season as companies got acquired and died, you saw that and said “Oh yeah that happened!” vs now you might just say “Oh yeah. that happened”.

        Then there’s things not in the show that would date itself like the shift to remote working post pandemic, or the massive focus companies are giving mobile now which again wasn’t as big as at release of the show. I bet Gavin Belson trying to micromanage remote workers or something around the short form video craze we have would have been important plot points if the show came out now.

        I’m not saying it’s a bad show to watch now, it’s just something which is more impactful to watch at release