the most egregious example I can think of is antiwork in reddit. Posters there love to rant against companies, but they also give good advice regarding laws in different states and is a good source to deal with micromanagers and toxic workplaces.

But it’s like they simply don’t think that reddit is making money with every post they write. It’s like they’re working for the enemy they so much despise, a large corporation.

It baffles me that people keep posting there. Is the fediverse alternative really that bad?

    9 months ago
    1. Inertia

    People don’t leave until they have a compelling reason to leave. They will stay put until something pushes them to move. Bad corporate practices are not that strong an effect—boycotting every bad company in 2024 is not a thing people are trying to do, the world doesn’t work like that.

    1. Positive Network Effects

    The size and value of Reddit’s network still dwarves the fediverse, and that’s the primary value of any social network—the people you can interact with.