I would really rather that these were actual examples, and not conspiracy theories. We all have our own unsubstantiated ideas about what shadowy no-gooders are doing, but I’d rather hear about things that are actually happening.

  • abuttandahalf@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    That Israel is not a colonial state. All it’s founders defined it as a European colonial project. It was and is allied with all the colonial powers and projects like Britain, the US, apartheid south Africa, and Rhodesia. Its funding association was called the Palestine Jewish colonization association. It’s bank was called the Jewish colonial trust. The Jewish national fund and the Zionist project at large was from the beginning concerned with building segregated colonies.

    First, lands were bought with foreign funding from feudal land lords, and their inhabitants were entirely dispossessed, kicked out. Then when awareness of the ultimate goals of the Zionist project crystalized and resistance against Palestinian dispossession mounted, the lands were ethnically cleansed by force and the people massacred. 700 to 800 thousand Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in one continuous military operation that spanned two years from 1947 to 1948.

    Zionist leaders fully acknowledged that Palestinian demographics were a core issue to the Zionist project, that the Palestinian population had to be removed at any cost, which is exactly what Israel did. What lead to the Palestinians being defenseless in this situation? Colonial Britain abetted the formation of heavily armed Zionist militias with soldiers numbering in the tens of thousands. The arms of Britain’s colonial military presence were inherited by the Zionist forces that it supported. All this while Britain summarily excecuted any Palestinian found in possession of a firearm.

    This is not to mention the enthusiastic support of european antisemites for the Zionist project, or its strict early opposition by antifascist jews.

    The idea that Israel has any right to exist on Palestinian land is a lie that has been so heavily proliferated, it has to be debunked when it should be paid no consideration at all.

  • brain_in_a_box@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    China is a dictatorship/doesn’t have elections.

    I’ve yet to see anyone actually able to justify this without inadvertently calling large numbers of western liberal democracies dictatorships too.

    • jackpot@lemmy.ml
      9 months ago

      has propaganda elections ≠ has legitimate elections. it’s literally a one-party state genuinely cop on.

        • jackpot@lemmy.ml
          9 months ago

          nope, usa is a two party first the past post system on a federal level and allows state levels to determine their own systems, both of which allows for third parties. you have no actual proof of voter fraud and jim crow era laws have been long dismantled. fuck off with that. yes, gerrymandering exists on a state level but that isnt a federal issue. your problem exists with specific states, regardless, a challenger can still win a gerrymandered state. now go prove china has a democracy on a federal level, you cant

          • mayooooo@beehaw.org
            9 months ago

            Lol ok, I mean you have the ultra right and the right party. They are different, but the usa has a well defined external politic which doesn’t really change. So since I’m outside to me it looks almost like china

            • jackpot@lemmy.ml
              9 months ago

              outside policy that doesnt change? literally every president has different external policy which is regulated by 100 changing members of the senate. what the fuck are you talking about.

                • jackpot@lemmy.ml
                  9 months ago

                  it’s almost like when youre a dictator you dont have checks amd balances to stop you and have much less recent predecessors to be compared to