IntroductionSilverBullet is a note-taking application optimized for people with a hacker mindset. We all take notes. There’s a million note taking applications out there. Literally. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one where your notes are more than plain tex
I’m curious (serious question): Are there any standards that have been developed during the last years, e.g. how to link a different page, the syntax of the tagging or similar or are all the note taking apps doing their own thing and nothing is compatible with each other?
I’m curious (serious question): Are there any standards that have been developed during the last years, e.g. how to link a different page, the syntax of the tagging or similar or are all the note taking apps doing their own thing and nothing is compatible with each other?
As far as I understand Markdown is a syntax standard used for that kind of note taking or article writing