Hello! I’ll try to explain what I’m looking for: I sometimes have to write simple web pages (not just text, also buttons and video players and so on), but I really really hate writing html code. What I’m used to is QML, which I like a lot, because of the ease of placing objects exactly where I need using the anchors and the Layout objects. What I’m looking for is a language or something with a similar syntax, that can then be “built” to plain HTML/CSS/JS. Is there something like this? I know I can compile Qt/QML for webassembly, but I’m having huge amounts of problems, and also I’d like to have the possibility to have a plain HTML result, not necessary bind to the server side.

thanks in advance!!

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    7 months ago

    There are libraries like Vaadin that are clearly written for backend developers who want to throw together a frontend. They’re designed around making interactivity easy, but I don’t see why you couldn’t leave out the interactivity and just program a simple document.

    Most HTML generating tools I know will have you write pseudo-HTML as an intermediate step. The few tools that don’t, don’t produce much in the way it a document, opting instead to generate a Javascript/WebAssembly renderer that treats a canvas element as a regular screen.

    As for writing simple web pages: many non-code tools will let you design a web page and export the HTML, be it from Adobe, Microsoft, or LibreOffice. You could probably even use Scribus for some more advanced layouts if basic word processors don’t do it for you.