That depends on the principles. And it is at least unkind to implicate he doesn’t have any. Both of you are making valid arguments, even if they are mutually exclusive. Also, both of you fail to see this from another perspective. It’s like you’re looking at a dice from two sides and argue about which numbers are visible. Sometimes it helps to turn things around and look at them from different angles.
I’d bet it would at least improve the tone of this conversation.
I understand that moving a community here would be difficult, and you’re going to lose users over it. But, it’s not impossible, many other subs have done it… so if his position is that he is not willing to roll up his sleeves to do that work, then he can’t simultaneously bang on the drum that he really cares about this issue.
It doesn’t matter what principles he might claim to have if they are clearly contradictory.
That depends on the principles. And it is at least unkind to implicate he doesn’t have any. Both of you are making valid arguments, even if they are mutually exclusive. Also, both of you fail to see this from another perspective. It’s like you’re looking at a dice from two sides and argue about which numbers are visible. Sometimes it helps to turn things around and look at them from different angles. I’d bet it would at least improve the tone of this conversation.
I understand that moving a community here would be difficult, and you’re going to lose users over it. But, it’s not impossible, many other subs have done it… so if his position is that he is not willing to roll up his sleeves to do that work, then he can’t simultaneously bang on the drum that he really cares about this issue.
It doesn’t matter what principles he might claim to have if they are clearly contradictory.