I know this sounds pretentious (which is quite ironic), but this is something I’ve noticed about the internet. You never read about what someone does, only what they say. You hear politicians claim that they’ll fix the economy, or celebrities make speeches about what they feel like, or what “message” a fictional movie has being discussed over and over, but none of that matters, because it’s all saying and no doing!
[email protected]
Translation: “I have no way of arguing with this obvious and simply stated fact, so I’ll pretend they’re 14 and think it’s deep and then attack them for that. I’m 28 and this is a worthwhile use of my time.”
I’m not 28
Oh but I bet that other person is 14 then. That’s obviously the substance of my critique, you win.
Your behaviour is quite excrubulent right now. I don’t appreciate that
Glad to hear it!
Funniest shit I read today