I flew for the first time on a plane last week and I’ve seen planes take off at the airport. It looks crazy. But being on one is totally different like holy shit. The thing just FLIES. It just… Soars… Through the sky! Like whoa man. Wtf… It’s crazy. With how much these things weigh, it’s insane to me the thing can just go up and bam, there we are, we’re flying now. Like wow… Dude crazy.
sure, i get it.
he did come up with that half explanation 250 what years ago, so I’ll give him a pass.
kind of a bummer that a half explanation is his most famous 'discovery" even though he did so much
No, yeah, Bernoulli was a genius who did a lot otherwise, he should be remembered for all his other scientific contributions…
But you fuck one goat…