In 2020, the EU members resisted pressure back then from the US for an outright ban on Chinese telcos and agreed instead on the implementation of a ‘toolbox’ of security measures. It enabled member states to either restrict or exclude high-risk 5G vendors such as Huawei from core parts of their telecoms network. By now, however, only a third of EU countries had implemented Huawei bans in these critical areas.

To provide more context to the article’s content: Strand Consult, a telecom researcher and advisory based in Denmark, said in a report in 2019 that the pressure to restrict Huawei from telecom networks is driven not by governments, but the many private companies which have experienced hacking, IP theft, or espionage.

Strand Consult also analysed “Thousands Foreign Technology Companies Blocked by China Since 1996”.

Here are the reports’ summaries (the reports can be requested by contacting Strand):

The pressure comes from EU companies to ban Huawei:

Foreign tech blocked by China since 1996:

    1 year ago

    Everything is political motivated. Everyone who thinks differently is just naive in my view.

    We are in a 3rd world war technologically and a 2.5 military wise.

    And we enter stage 4 regarding climate with direct damage and remote induced damage, refugee crisis on the verge.

    Shitty times to live in. Not wanting to sound depressed but it could be a little easier to be honest.