• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • She’s an awful person with awful, hateful policies, but she’s right to stay in from a purely tactical perspective.

    The sick, ancient fuck isn’t likely to drop dead in the time frame, but he’s old enough, out of shape enough, stressed enough because his money is threatened and aside from himself that’s all he loves(I wouldn’t say this if one of his kids or spouse were in trouble or sick, he wouldn’t care much), and prone to blood pressure raising rage fits, so she’s more playing a couple numbers on a roulette wheel than a lottery, there is a significant chance it could happen even if it is still unlikely. For that job, it’s probably worth staying for that spin. This occurring is almost certainly more likely than the chances of any third party run in living memory had at winning the general.

    If he has one too many cheeseburgers, she’ll be the one with the most delagates that also happens to have a fancy, schmancy pulse.

  • This is the basis of capitalism.

    Both parties lie to eachother, attempting to get more than the other party through manipulation and coercion with whatever leverage each party has, rejecting the pursuit of equitable mutual benefit, and when it is allowed to metastasize into every sociocultural aspect of one’s cultural mores and values, as it has here in Corpmurica, it creates a toxic, antisocial group of rugged individuals beating each other to death trying to impress the most successful practicing sociopaths who were the best at dishonest manipulation and exploitation of their fellow humans.

    If you want to create a civilization at war with and constantly undermining itself at every level instead of working toward the common good of the species/planet/future, this is the global economic system for you!

    But hey, it was all worth it for the free market of ideas giving us so many valuable, innovative choices! It has sesame seeds and no pickles?! No fucking way…

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.ml...
    4 months ago


    Enforced, adequately high progressive taxation could do that, in fact we had tax rates closer akin to that prior to Reagan, and at one point our highest tax rate was close to 90% as it should be so as to limit accruing enough wealth to warp our society unilaterally beyond their single vote with media and political bribery, but that died a long time ago in the name of “turning the bull loose.”

    But then the greediest fucks among us bribed our leaders to get their way, to thunderous applause by idiot conservative peasants and many so called democrats, today’s neoliberals, and here we are, planet burning, terminal stage capitalism, good fucking times. But hey, as long as Bezos can have a second mega yacht to keep his first mega yacht company (he really does look it up) I guess it was all worth our impending collapse.

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.ml...
    4 months ago

    And remember, because I feel this always needs to be said with such sums…

    193 million isn’t enough for him, and 193 million plus whatever millions he made in years prior isn’t enough for him. He’s going public because he’s a broken, disturbed human being that looks at his unethical levels of wealth, enough for most of the other humans that live here to live 2 dozen extravagant lifetimes, and still demands mooooooaaaaaar.

    Why isn’t this widely accepted as severe mental illness?! This is hoarding disorder.

    These aren’t big ocean house sums. These are buying politicians sums, and they are only achievable through exploiting other human beings and selfishly pocketing most of the value of their labor because you can get away with it.

  • Entire economic sectors are eating themselves in their need for infinite growth/metastasis on a finite world, having no sizable unexploited markets and having conquered the board (and also setting that board we all rely on from one breath to the next on fire) with their capitalist grift, crippling those sector’s ability to even provide the goods and services they existed to provide in the first place in the process.

    The capitalists know they’re running out of road, which is why they’re destroying their own machines and laying off their own talent for short term stock bumps.

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzJust a thought
    5 months ago

    But that’s just it, its academic segregation. If it is all about “me” then we aren’t a society and should stop pretending it is. If our society actually gave shit 1 about even equity of opportunity at any level, primary school should be of similar quality for all, or if anything, superior education should go to those from the most socio-economically disadvantaged families.

    As it is, just as with our economy, it becomes a snowball effect. One kid with white collar parents gets them into a Charter school so that kid has Food and Shelter Security, superior schools, parents who have time to help etc, while public school kid in a bad district has food shelter and insecurity, bad schools, and parents who couldn’t have done anything with 2 jobs each in poverty.

    That isn’t a society, it’s just a scam to make a permanent underclass. That kid would have to be a naturally motivated, gifted individual to overcome that, and the vast majority of people are not.

    We need to increase the quality of our main education system, not allow escape for a few to better schools and saying fuck the poorest ones more specifically. You got extra opportunity, so you should see better than most how unfair it is to others.

    It’s not a lovely dream, many other nations have better public education systems. We just CHOOSE to prioritize the enrichment of private shareholders over having a robust social framework that prioritizes education in more than words. Social supports aren’t a lovely dream, they exist in societies where those that succeed most are correctly taxed to pay back into the society that FACILITATED their great rise to wealth in the first place.

    Oh and where I live, we have a charter chain called “Challenger Schools” That advertises teaching conservative principles, so I don’t see the difference in curriculums as a positive.

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzJust a thought
    5 months ago

    “They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I’ll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.”

    -George Carlin

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzJust a thought
    5 months ago

    Ban charter/private/religious K-12. Rich and poor need to be in the same public ed boat and fight for it instead of having an escape hatch for complainers and the wealthy. Oh and have it be distributed per student state wide.

    Charter schools are a trojan horse by the owner class to siphon what little is left of public ed funding into their pockets, after they already cut their own taxes starving public over and over to break it. Some charter schools may be “non-profit,” but they all hire publically traded, for profit charter management companies. It’s just another vector for their grift. They don’t care, they bribed state governments to cut their taxes to starve public education, their kids don’t go there, and they’d rather not pay for the pre-literate work force they benefit and profit from. Their kids go to private schools so they never learn to empathize with human beings who aren’t wealthy when they grow up to exploit them. This is a core rot in this country, our owner class is segregated from their fellow Americans from birth by design. We’re basically a foreign, impoverished country to them.

    If every child, special populations excluded, were forced by law to attend public schools, and the funding were spread so that poor kid districts and rich kid districts got the same funding per kid state wide, you’d see funding and quality shoot up so fast your head would spin. Teaching would become a LUCRATIVE profession if the wealthy kids of every district were mixed in to every school.

    Won’t happen, this country is a corpse being picked clean, but if the people weren’t deluded into worshipping their greedy, sociopathic oppressors as benevolent job creators, we could turn it around by making it an American problem instead of yet another poor American problem, and making Americans with means and time take ownership instead of using their power to make it worse to line their pockets as they have for half a century.

    Instead, our national argument is whether poor kids in school deserve to EAT. What a garbage country.