That noise is horrible; why would someone simulate it rather than just show a blue screen?
That noise is horrible; why would someone simulate it rather than just show a blue screen?
I think this is asking about where to keep projects, not how to organize them internally.
No Claude? It’s pretty good in my experience, and I follow someone on twitter who does absolutely wild things with it.
I read a lot as a child and watched very little TV. So in first grade, I only knew the “traditional” meaning of gay. The first time I remember hearing it in the sense of homosexual was when a classmate told me, in a hushed and gossipy tone, “one of the Teletubbies is gay.” (I did know about the show even if I hadn’t ever watched it.) I didn’t really react, but all I was thinking was, “aren’t they all?”
Obviously that’s not “gay”, but is it…useful? Convenient? How often do you actually do it, and why?
I found something about some recent-ish LG TVs having a default mode that shows static, but I couldn’t find a clear answer on why, and the way to disable it is to enable “Cable DTV”, which seems to suggest that it might actually be trying to get analogue signal by default…?