A lot depends on how you drive, how much you drive, and where you live. That being said: don’t cheap out on tires just to save a buck.
A lot depends on how you drive, how much you drive, and where you live. That being said: don’t cheap out on tires just to save a buck.
I’m tragically white so I’ve never sunbathed, but I very rarely need sunscreen on my legs at all.
I like to think of Jesus with like giant eagles wings and singing lead vocals for lynyrd skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I’m in the front row, and I’m hammered drunk.
Grifting his cult, as is tradition.
There are several alternatives out there but ebay dominates the market share so much they don’t seem to do well. And it seems like setting up a competitor would be hilariously expensive and probably would end up just as terrible.
A boat is a hole in the water into which you throw money.
Does she think all the fillers make her look good? Cause yikes. Also that make up in the third picture is… rough.
People are constantly surprised when I tell them my GTI is great in winter with snow tires. These are the same people who tell me their SUVs are perfect for snow rocking bald all seasons cause FoUr WhEeL dRiVe.
That’s his point.
Boooo, and I can’t state this enough booooooo.
Go to something like tirerack and compare them side by side, the differences probably aren’t huge either way for the amount you drive. I’ve run Yokohama all season before and my current snow tires are Bridgestones and I had no issues with either. Do the prices include mount and balance? Seems high otherwise.