• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Proof?

    I read 15 different sites about DNS and not a one of them claimed anything like this. They universally all stated that your network attached devices would use the 1st one unless it didn’t respond and only use the 2nd one if the 1st one did not.

    So once again, I ask “Can you send me some more information on this” and not just claim it without any backup information?

    I apologize if I am coming off rude, just my BS meter is getting close to the red zone and I would really appreciate some reliable evidence.

  • Yeah, looks like you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    The second ipv4 DNS address is for redundancy and every network connected system will use the first one as long as it responds.

    It’s perfectly fine to have a single pihole and use something like quad9 as a failover in the unlikely event that your pihole goes down unexpectedly.

  • To a certain point I agree with you, mild psychedelics have been used for millennia to help people uncover their own issues and work through them.

    The other side of that is that it is not a cure-all, and most of the people that habitually use psychedelics tend to check out from reality.

    So, even if they can be used medicinally and be helpful, they are a double-edged sword in that just because you’ve seen through some of your own assumptions doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve pierced the veil of the greater illusion of Maya.

  • The other thing is it’s not exactly like the matrix is made to be broken. People have been talking about the concept of Maya, that the world as presented to us is nothing but an illusion meant to keep us trapped, for thousands of years.

    They claim that the enlightened people the bodhisattvas the jesus’s and Muhammad’s have broken through the illusion and stayed back to help guide us along the way.

    Which is all well and good but that does not mean that breaking the illusion is easy. It doesn’t even mean necessarily that it is possible because first you have to prove that an illusion exists and then you have to prove that there is a way to break it, and most people, I believe, go mad along the way.

    I said all of that to say, if you find a way to break out of the matrix please for the love of God show me the way.