Sounds good, I will check it out! Thanks for sharing!
Sounds good, I will check it out! Thanks for sharing!
I’ve been using yt-dpl + MPV + qutebrowser or ytfzf for a long time, but lately I’ve been using Freetube a lot on my desktop (which can also use MPV as an external player). Subscriptions are saved locally and can be exported in several formats. I occasionally export them, sync them over syncthing to my phone and import it on my yt apps on my phone. On my phone I mainly use Libretube, with NewPipe as a backup.
what a silly owl!
I played it for a while and was pleasantly surprised! I’m pretty sure I’m going to buy it at some point
I discovered the excistence of Bustin’Out on the GBA only 2 years ago. When I discovered it was an ancestor on Urbz, I had to play it! I played it through an emulator on my trusty old PSP, long after I had sold my GBA SP. I loved it! THe story and athmosphere were not developed to the same depth as Urbz, but it was certainly a very fun and welcome experience. More of the same in a positive way!
If I had to recommend a friend only 1 of both games, I would always recommend the Urbz. But Bustin’Out is great is you can´t get enough!
The Urbz: Sims in the City for the GBA (and also the DS).
This is such a hidden gem on the GBA and my favorite GBA game I had. Had great music as well!
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