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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • It absolutely is a valid business strategy, Apple has been winning with this strategy for like 15-20 years now. Their shit IS Fisher Price computers and Fisher Price phones and ALWAYS HAS BEEN. Most people are fucking dumb and it is designed specifically for them. So for the love of god go buy something else. Please. I’m begging you and everyone else who thinks they are smart - STOP BUYING APPLE STUFF! Like holy shit do something inconvenient for once

  • From Apple’s perspective it’s not shitty, it’s part of their brand. Apple products are all about stupid proofing. Its hard to fuck it up, its hard to download a malicious app or virus. Preventing side loading protects people who don’t know what side loading is. Believe it or not that’s the majority of users. Side loading wont effect profits but thats because the large majority of their customer base will never use it. Those of us who want it are a vocal minority trying to screw up their entire business strategy, so of course they won’t give it to us unless they are forced to do so.