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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Writing and drawing aren’t lost arts, yet ;)

    There’s strong evidence, by the by, that writing things down by hand works different parts of your brain than typing does. This can be great for somebody like me, with untreated attention issues, as writing things down by hand can help me remember them better. It takes longer to do, so your mind is on it longer, and particularly when I’m journaling, it seems to help me parse through what feels like a jumble of chaotic, circular thoughts by laying them down one word, one letter at a time on paper.

    And since I write pretty much everyday, whether it’s notes at work, the occasional journal entry, or little notes for later in a nice Moleskine pocket notebook, I’d like that experience to be as nice as possible, in the same way a typist might invest in a mechanical keyboard (with just the right feeling and sound for their tastes) or anybody who can afford to will invest in a quality mattress, etc.

    If you ever do give handwriting a shot, or if you get into art someday, you might check out some of the pencil and pen recommendations in the responses to this post. They can be a real treat when compared against, like, a standard no. 2 pencil you got in a box of 50 for $2.

  • Sometimes I open up the home page to see what’s up, then I see what’s up is less interesting than it used to be and less interesting than what’s happening here. And I close it pretty quickly. I’m still using it as part of my Google searches when I need quick human answers. It’s gonna continue to be a historical resource in that regard. No getting around that. But my account only exists so that I can access those resources without too much fuss. It’s not something I use to post or contribute. I used the Sign In With Apple feature to just generate a throwaway anonymous account after I deleted my 11 year old account.

  • That ‘motivation’ bit is so important. Former educator, currently still working in education, and I’m always wary of anything that makes a sweeping statement about ‘the kids’ not being ‘all right’. But there are important, substantial contributors to undesirable outcomes that need to be acknowledged. Poverty being one, as well as the cycle of poverty and abuse which is deeply tied to white flight and de-industrialization (which we might collectively assign to the death of the American dream if we aren’t too concerned with being precious about the the notion of patriotism).

    Saying ‘iPads’ or ‘TikTok’ is the culprit doesn’t help anyone. But iPads and TikTok are contributing factors because they both exacerbate the feeling that being entertained is enough to scrape one’s way through life at the bottom of the barrel of expectations…as well as over-informing young people (and adults) that there is positively nothing left to look forward to. Industry is collapsing, housing and transportation are unaffordable, everything you once expected to purchase (and let’s not get lost talking about purchasing as a metric for determining whether one is living a good life) has now moved to an ever-bleeding subscription model; inflation is compounded by corporate greed (and maybe we should talk about how the business incentive of endless growth contributes to every other problem) and corporate greed (something no one but the executives and their shareholders can influence, let alone control) is raping all the natural splendor, wealth and even health and stability of the very ground we walk on and air we breathe.

    Why the fuck wouldn’t some young person whose future job prospects (which were shit to begin with) are being devoured by AI, just turn toward the boundless font of readily accessible entertainment rather than going uphill toward seemingly fruitless self improvement? Why would they bother to rise to the level of literacy that allows them to appreciate a 19th century classic translated from the original Russian, or to parse the dense theming of some modern masterpiece? What’s the reward, to someone whose entire life to this point has been flavored with instant gratification? To them it’s all just ‘content’, and there’s plenty of content more accessible than literature. Art may mean nothing for many reasons, not least of which is it can be falsified to a level of acceptability (AI songs by dead artists, for example).

    It’s a Twilight Zone, Black Mirror, Brave New World living nightmare. But what is the alternative? What systems or entities or organizations are coming to save the day? There are none. This moment is a gruesome forbidden experiment: it is a post-Reaganite, neoliberal race to the cultural bottom, and the youngest generation are the lab rats.

  • Speaking as someone who never really plugged into Twitter much in the first place: the notion that tweets have any sort of real value and that putting caps on consuming them is a meaningful control measure is the funniest fucking thing. Like no doubt he I actually trying to ruin it, that’s happening. But this is clearly supposed to elicit some kind of reaction, and I just can’t imagine feeling like, “oh, no, this only 600?” 600 of what? Brainfarts? Serious ideas that, if they were written by serious people would be in a long form medium? It’s like saying “you can go to the grocery store but you can only buy 60 chew toys for your dog per day”. Like, okay, I wasn’t going to do that anyway and I think it’s funny that you thought I was going to, or that I’d care about this new limitation.

  • Speaking as someone who never really plugged into Twitter much in the first place: the notion that tweets have any sort of real value and that putting caps on consuming them is a meaningful control measure is the funniest fucking thing. Like no doubt he I actually trying to ruin it, that’s happening. But this is clearly supposed to elicit some kind of reaction, and I just can’t imagine feeling like, “oh, no, this only 600?” 600 of what? Brainfarts? Serious ideas that, if they were written by serious people would be in a long form medium? It’s like saying “you can go to the grocery store but you can only buy 60 chew toys for your dog per day”. Like, okay, I wasn’t going to do that anyway and I think it’s funny that you thought I was going to, or that I’d care about this new limitation.