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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoMemes@lemmy.mlThis has to be a joke...
    14 days ago

    I remember making a comment once on .ml about how a news source they linked isn’t too credible, with mediafactbiascheck as source for that claim (as the site had historically gotten their news wrong), and the comment got removed for “blogspamming” or something lmao

    There’s certainly a degree of powertripping going over there with the mods, and I do feel like this one is gonna be removed as well for “bigotry” against mods or something

  • Yes, capitalism leads to major inequality. Other options are out there but also lead to major inequality.

    The problem is that other options are not being explored. In the past 200 years (in the western world), pretty much nothing apart from Capitalism has been tried, very few small-scale experiments or anything but even then its for policies such as UBI.

    So yes, if you look at poorer regions of the world which are often the only ones trying new things out, you often do see inequality increase but maybe it has something to do with them being poorer regions and all the baggage that comes with it (say, corruption or coups or authoritarianism)? Maybe this also influences the kind of ideologies that get adopted by the ruling class, and how the countries under the new ideology are being ran?

    Also, at least in my opinion, this kind of mindset of “this is how the world works so you shouldn’t care and live life” feels misguided. I do agree that LARPing on the internet about these things is kind of counter-productive as you’re not really achieving any real change, but turning blind eye to injustices happening in your country (or in the world to a lesser extent) is even worse - an ignorance-based call to inaction.

  • Kitty for both X and Wayland - I like the customization (as in I already have the config file that I have backed up and can just plop it in), it works perfectly on any VM (used it on sway, hyprland, i3, awesomewm), though honestly I don’t see much of a difference between the terminal emulators. There’s literally no wrong choice or meaningful difference in my experience at least, but admittedly I just use a terminal emulator to run commands, neovim and system file editing.

  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoLinux@lemmy.mlJust install EndeavorOS lol
    8 months ago

    I fully agree that it’s bad for users who aren’t that tech-savvy, but I meant it in a more general sense - during my time on Lemmy I’ve seen a ton of posts bashing arch and commenters pretty much calling it a “good for nothing distro”, with the only more hated distro being Manjaro.

  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoLinux@lemmy.mlJust install EndeavorOS lol
    8 months ago

    I don’t get the hate arch gets - it’s the perfect distro if you want to choose what programs you want to use, it’s not meant to be an out of the box experience. Been using it for 3 years, and sure it might take me a couple of hours to set up initially, but after that I don’t really have to do anything.

  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoMemes@lemmy.mlCommunist Filth/Capitalist Filth
    8 months ago

    Finland is capitalist and kind of solved homelessness, with there being around only 1.3k homeless people in the entire country (population: 5.6m, which means the rate of homelessness is around 0.02%).

    I don’t think that communism or any ideology is an answer to homelessness, it’s pretty much the job for the government and what kind of systems/reforms they implement.

  • I personally view crypto and the crypto boom as an experiment in unfettered capitalism - it’s still a new technology, the governments haven’t caught up to it yet so no regulations, yet quite literally 99% of crypto usage was in trying to take advantage of others (scams) and speculation.

    The only thing with actual value that came out of crypto was probably Monero, which allowed for completely anonymous payments, something that crypto, when paired with crypto exchanges, is bad at.

  • Your username says a lot about you and explains why your brain cannot comprehend a disagreement.

    The fact that you’re calling me out on not being able to “comprehend a disagreement” while spending hours typing out comments that basically say “lalala I win” filled with personal insults shows 0 self-awareness. If you cannot comprehend the concept of “being respectful” and acting like a rabid dog on any disagreement, the problem is with you.

    That being said, you going for personal attacks instead of actually debunking what I said shows that your argument is, quite frankly, shit. Don’t pretend like you’re unaware of this.

  • Commiunism@lemmy.wtftoMemes@lemmy.mlJust fuck me up fam
    8 months ago

    I mean, your argument basically boils down to “you can’t complain, others have it worse”, which is a toxic take. Should a person who lost a leg not be allowed to complain because someone in the world has lost two legs, and therefore is an annoyed spoiled brat who still has a leg? Should the only people allowed to complain be people on the verge of death, since they’re the people who are the worst off? Does the argument work in reverse as in “you can’t be happy, others have it better”?