• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • You can live in this fantasy where Norway is without faults and a perfect Paradise as much as you want

    I don’t care.

    Anything happening in the UK and the US is happening in Norway. Just a little bit later. NPM is an unstoppable force at the moment.

    People are getting shafted by inflation right now, wages are stagnant and the rich are exporting their wealth to Swiss for tax evasion. Birth rates are down and gang violence is in the rise. The Police force are getting it’s back broken with reforms.

    Housing is soon unavailable for the upcoming generation without well funded parents.

    This Christmas the organizations providing gifts and food for the poor had record numbers of people queuing up.

    But hey. Look at this nice street in Stavanger.

    Living in Norway is nice. But the welfare state and stable foundation for a trustworthy political system is under huge stress. People should’t form their opinion of a country based of social media posts.

    You can browse the Norwegian subreddit if you want to know what’s moving behind the facade. Norway has good freedom of the press, so follow Norwegian news outlet as well. Even the state media covers scandals.

  • Way to go attacking me at the end there.

    The electrical grid needs a balanced energy. When everyone now goes apeshit on wind because of the subsidies we basically fuck ourselves over big time. When it stops blowing in Germany it doesn’t blow in Norway. Most of the wind is generated by high pressure on the Atlantic and low pressure over Europe. The most common wind direction is from the ocean.

    Huge oil companies goes all in on wind. Can you guess why? When it doesn’t blow we have to burn gas.

    As of not selling us out to Europe. Guess which country has the most healthy fishing industry? You’re god damn right. We don’t want EU’s short sighted policies bankrupt us. EU countries are queuing up to fish us dry as they fished their own waters dry.

    Labeling me as some kind of extremist because I want to conserve the climate and environment is pretty rad.

  • I disagree.

    Germany dismantled their electric infrastructure by shutting down their nuclear plants. Only because boomers were afraid of hot metal in a pool. They replaced the green energy with coal and gas.

    Most of Europe use gas for heating and cooking. In Norway we use electricity for those purposes. It’s also very cold in most parts during the winter. So cheap electricity is a vital part of our infrastructure.

    Transporting electricity from Norway to Germany and GB is not efficient as there is a loss of power on the grid to heat during transport.

    France is a great opposite to Germany in this discussion. They are invested in their nuclear energy and has an export industry. France was the biggest exporter of electricity in Europe before Capitalists sold out the Norwegian people for some fat paychecks.

  • I work in the industry and see how the industry treat it’s workers, climate and environment.

    For me it’s more important to future proof our species then feeding some capitalist hedgefund dollars.

    Flagging the ships to countries with proper societal structures with military defence and laws is beneficial for everyone except the sharks. Lemmy is pretty anti-capitalist untill their cheap Chinese electronics are under threat.

    IMO has codes to better the conditions at sea with SOLAS, MARPOL and MLC. With a foot inside the industry you are a fool to see these regulations are far from enough.

    The regular philipine seaman is onboard 9 months on a single contract, and has to get a new contract for the next time. The regular western seafarer has a 1/1 rotation with an employment contract with a shipping company.

    More expensive shipping forces less shipping. Which might re-establish local industries. Europe made much of its stuff before. Now it’s moved to cheap countries in the east. Norway sends fish to china for processing, it gets sent back and sold in Norway. This is insane to me.

    Norway has 1 shoe maker left. Other Norwegian shoemakers has their head office in Norway, but production is moved to Asia.

  • Sadly our politicians are slowly privatizing public services and making public services worse.

    Police and medical services are getting reduced on a yearly basis.

    We are selling our independence to the EU by letting other markets control the price of our electricity. Starting new industries relying on cheap electricity was a unique feature for us. We are making aluminium in small towns far away from large cities. Starting new plant will not be possible in the future.

    Corruption and nepotism between politicians and industries are being exposed more often than before.

    It’s nice living in Norway. But our politicians and capitalists have decided that this should come to an end. Norway’s peak has been reached.

    The race to the bottom has begun years ago.

  • I’m pretty knowledgeable on how shipping works. If not I wouldn’t know shit about what a flag state is.

    A company in country A flags their ship to a tax haven which is country B. They hire seafarers from country C to commit to the social dumping of poor people. Usually from the Philippines or India.

    They transport goods between countries with to ties to A, B or C. Which is fine of course. That’s trade.

    Owners in country A enrich themselves from tax evasion in B, and wage theft from C.

    One of the largest cruise companies in Norway have their ships flagged to Swiss. The land locked shipping nation of the Alps.

    This is an opportunity to bruteforce the shipping companies to bring their wealth home.