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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • their own preferences for tab width… ending up in an identation abomination

    Can you give an example where a person’s personal tab width breaks things? One tab per logical indent, and then spaces for alignment. How does this break anything? I know for a fact it doesn’t or else people like me wouldn’t advocate for it. What breaks indenting is mixing tabs and spaces for indents, and obviously that’s foolish. You can’t blame that mistake for causing an “abomination” when it’s something that would violate any code style specification, whether using spaces or tabs. You yourself could set your IDE to emit only 2 spaces when you hit Tab, and that would also violate your code style spec if you mix those indents into a file with 4-space indents, and that has nothing to do with tabs at all.

    Doing stupid things in the code that violates the code style are stupid things that violate the code style. No matter what whitespace you use. But having a personal setting to see 8 spaces per tab isn’t one of them if you only use tabs for logical indenting and not for alignment.

    All tabs or all spaces for indents result in the exact same thing: good looking code. But tabs then have further advantages. Easier outdenting, better accessibility, etc. The only benefit to forcing spaces is that some random program you use for code comparison or whatever might default to something other than 4 columns for a Tab and your code looks a little wide until you change your settings. That’s nothing compared to the advantages of tabs. Turns out that “benefit” of spaces is actually a drawback because no one is allowed to view the indents as anything but whatever column width you personally think it should be.

  • Merely skimming a video which explained all of the details in the first 3 minutes–addressing everything their comment complained about–just so they can say things that make no sense if you had spent 3 fucking minutes watching the video!

    (They said they only skimmed it in a separate comment.)

    That is what I call willful ignorance. That’s what’s wrong with social media today. People comment nonsense without knowing anything about what they’re commenting on. Then other people read the stupid comments and upvote it, also without watching the video, and that’s all they walk away with. “LOL Vox is dumb!”

    And when they get called out, people like you defend them. And you probably didn’t even watch the video either!

    Yes! Willful ignorance all around. That’s exactly what it is.

  • Every hospital I’ve been to has these lamps in various places in the hallways like on the way into the ICU. Stop your ignorant fear mongering.

    “Oh, I skimmed the video, but I don’t trust science, so I’m going to question the intelligence of everyone involved with this website because I don’t believe anyone else but me knows anything about UV light. Here are some irrelevant facts…”

    Willfully ignorant people like you make me so angry. Especially when they spread their ignorant horseshit like they’re so fucking smart. As if we don’t ALL know about the dangers of long exposure to sunlight. Appropriate UV lamps for killing viruses do not equal sunlight!