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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Any procedure to summon cthulhu is made up, so make one up. Or if it makes you feel better I’ll make one up:

    Cook long pasta to aldente, then spread it all over the floor, then roll around it in while praising the noodly limbs of cthon, and asking the eldritch god to wrap you up and take you to the realm between dimensions. And I dunno, pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time to confuse yourself. Confusion and the unknown are the key when it comes to eldritch beings. Add spooky LED lights that shift from green to purple.

  • I know my context here is different, but sharing my screen is an easy and quick way to show how to do something. I use discord constantly to show what setting to change, or what order mods should be in for friends, or how to set up that V rising server with the save file from last time, or how to fix that weird bug that my buddy describes and I immediately recall and know how to fix.

    There are times a proper video or document are better, but I’d argue only when you’re showing or teaching a process to a large number of people, over a spread out period of time, like a doc on how to set up your company email for new hires or something like that.

    If its a short demo in a meeting for a simple process or temporary issue, its just a huge time saver to be able to just show people how to do it right then and there. Plus a screen share can be flexible enough to answer unexpected questions or issues that a static doc might not, like if tim has his start menu on the side, or mary doesn’t have the right directx version installed and you gotta swerve to fix the edge cases. Hard with a static doc or premade vid, easy with a screen share.

    If it can be explained in a premade video or a slideshow it probably doesn’t need to be a meeting anyways. Just send it out and deal with issues as they arise.

    Of course I come at the concept more from a basic IT perspective so ymmv, but for me its a very useful and flexible tool that can save me time and make explaining things much simpler.

  • I’m trans. I think the reason people get upset is because of the reason behind the preference. That reason can be totally valid, to totally shitty, and people assume either the best or the worst depending on their perspective usually. A trans person seeing this might assume “oh boy another transphobe” while a cis person would think “yep and I won’t date a person who owns cats because I’m deadly allergic” and carry on.

    On top of that a blanket “I won’t date trans people” rule tends to ignore “outliers” like nonbinary, intersex, or gender fluid people, which can feel pretty bad when the underlying reason doesn’t fit the actual real life scenario you might be in.

    Here’s a few reasons behind the preference that I can think of:

    • I’m straight and want bio kids - Fair enough, either your partner is cis or they aren’t compatible for that goal, or you’re getting into the nonbinary grey area.

    • I don’t want to deal with the extra baggage, potential judgement from peers, or mental/physical health comorbidities that come with transition - kinda bleh but its your choice and only you can really decide what you’re willing to invite on yourself, but it feels crappy for trans people who definitely didn’t ask to be trans either.

    • I’m attracted to specific genital configurations - that’s your preference, but it sort of ignores any post op trans people, which feels really shitty if as a trans person you’ve done this major surgery to be happier and more yourself, and people just assume you haven’t, and won’t talk to or engage with you over something you already changed, through a very intensive and difficult process. Overall though genital preferences are perfectly fine, people just don’t like saying “I only like penis” because it sounds weird, so they substitute “I only like cis men” thinking that’s a less awkward alternative.

    • I don’t think trans people are who they identify as - real shit and the kind of people most are actually mad at when people day "I won’t date trans people.

    Anyways, I’m sure there are more, but the point I’m trying to make is, saying you won’t date trans people is just kinda vague. Many people will assume the worst, which is on them, but it would help to clarify and be clear about what your real preference is, or why you have it. For instance “I want to have bio kids someday, so if we aren’t compatible on that level then that is a dealbreaker” or “I’m straight and I’m only interested in Cis or post op trans women” which with a couple extra words clearly portrays that its a genital preference without explicitly saying it.

    TLDR: having preferences is perfectly fine but when people judge you it’s because it isn’t clear why you have that preference, and usually ignores outliers. Clarification, while maybe a bit longer or more complicated, would eliminate the anger in most cases. The people who still get upset are likely to be angry no matter what.

  • In a similar vein, I’d like to remind my apartment complex that your emergency maintenance line doesn’t count as an emergency maintenance line if nobody answers it outside of business hours.

    Especially if you only call me back after leaving a message Saturday, on Monday morning. The AC was broken and luckily it wasn’t dead of summer, but it still hit 90 something inside Sunday, and god forbid it was flooding or something like that.

  • My nerdy dad liked to tell us to “watch out for orcs!” dropping us off places. I carried on the tradition, and even though he passed a couple years ago I get to enjoy his joke since my SO and I say it to each other all the time, or variations of it. If its a water related destination I like to evolve it to “watch out for orcas!”

    We’ve been playing Baldurs Gate 3 lately so its been “watch out for mind flayers!” a couple times, but the point is just a silly reference to something we love, just to add some goofy fantasy to an otherwise normal day. I like to imagine Orcs popping up irl in goofy ways when I hear it, like one charging the car while I wait for the atm thinking its some great metal beast. Or taking all yhe ground beef at the grocery store for a “great feast!” Plus one box of twinkies. Dumb shit like that :)

  • To clarify, its less a virus running from watching, and more “check out this useless software plz click me” and the software is bloatware that wants a bunch of permissions to suck up data. Or ads for psuedo pyramid schemes or “lose weight fast” sort of shit.

    So virus is probably the wrong term, technically. But bloatware, useless garbage, and scams, absolutely.