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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 31st, 2023

  • A friend in high school made nude drawings of another mutual friend. It was weird he showed me but he was generally an artsy guy and I knew he was REALLY into this girl and it was kind of in the context of showing he his art work. I reconnected with the girl years later and talked about this and while she said it was weird she didn’t really think much of it. Rather, the creepy part to her was that he showed people.

    I don’t think we can stop horny teens from making horny content about their classmates, heck, I know multiple girls who wrote erotic stories featuring classmates. The sharing (and realism) is what turns the creepy but kind of understandable teenage behavior into something we need to deal with

  • Somehow I think Podcasts will survive enshittification. The basis is just RSS and file hosting, so at its core, it’s possible to create and distribute podcasts without huge capital investment. There’s always gonna be some people trying to get their voices out and Podcasts still seems to be the easiest way to do that so until some better method comes out, podcasts will live on.

    If you’re talking about Podcast networks, streaming services, ad networks, then yeah, those might face some kind of enshittification and destruction, but no matter what, I’m pretty confident some good podcasts, and some good ways to listen to them, will stick around.

  • A flash of light and a clap of thunder assaults your senses.

    As your vision clears, this proud warrior stands before you.

    “What year is it?” He demands.

    “20- uh 2024?” You stammer.

    The warrior stumbles as the words reach him, his world, his purpose crumbling. “Too late to save him… This time line is lost. Forgive me Harambe” he whispers to himself in anguish.

  • Finding closure of some kind I think. Keeping in mind why you broke up, why it didn’t work out, why there wasn’t a future in the relationship, etc.

    The relationship before my current partner of over ten years was really intense, I thought she was really the one, she was what I had imagined my ideal type was for practically my whole adolescence. But a spot of long distance and her parents disapproval had us in a bit of on again off again, where during one drunk call to me, she admitted to kissing other guys (at the very least), and that was enough for me to just go, “oh, I think our expectations are too different”, and I was able to put a hard end to that. Yeah, I occasionally think of her, but more in the curious way you wonder about an old acquaintance.

    I had a friend with a sort of similar situation to yours, he and his girlfriend mutually broke up when we were all graduating high school because her friends convinced her that long distance wouldn’t work out. It really messed both of them up, especially since they kind of stayed in contact. A lot of weird stories there, but not really mine to tell. But he talked a few times about all the “what-ifs” and it feels like that’s the hardest part in letting go of a relationship.

    On the other hand, if you can convince yourself that the answer to “what if?” is basically “nothing good”, I think that can help. Though, easier said than done, it’s kinda like brainwashing yourself by focusing on all the negatives about them. Easy for me because of the cheating, but not so easy for my friend.

  • Yeah, I’ll admit, getting to fly business frequently as a child probably gave me an unrealistic view of what flying would be like for myself later in life. But except for one flight I randomly got bumped, I’ve only done economy my whole adult life and still can’t help but be in a good mood thinking about a flight.

    I do agree about the airport hassles, having to go through easily two hours of bureaucracy and waiting before even getting on a plane is kinda crazy, guess I’ve just come to accept it to the point I don’t really think about it too much. I’m just looking forward to the plane, and maybe finding a little nook to wait in before the flight starts boarding where my brain can already start transitioning to “nothing’s stopping you from just shutting off” mode. Airplane mode also means I’m not getting any work texts or messages while I’m in the air, which has definitely happened on trains.

  • I came thinking I would say airplanes as well, though I know it’s likely an unpopular answer in this part of web.

    Growing up fairly privileged, I got to fly a lot and always looked forward to it as a situation where no one can get mad at me for spending the whole time watching movies, playing games or reading books. Some of that childhood joy stuck with me, and I still look forward to a chance to sit back and read or zone out to music without any nagging work obligations (I refuse to purchase in air wifi).

    So big agree, for transport I “really like,” it’s gotta be airplanes.

    For more mundane day to day stuff, I do love basically anything on rails. Not having to think about maneuvering around other vehicles, just sitting and chilling, not even worrying about traffic delays. As long as you’re able to avoid the worst of rush hour packed trains, it’s just the best. If only every city could figure out their rail systems…