Wow! This is crazy! I actually just started playing Star Trek The Next Generation A Final Unity a couple weeks ago. I still have my actual copy. So many childhood memories! Hopefully you guys have a much better starship fighting controls, because a Final Unity’s are terrible. Lol!
You’re thinking of a fizzicist.
The beauty of Leslie Nielsen is you could say that about thousands of scenes he’s in.
Couldn’t answer it back then, can’t answer it now as an adult.
All I could hear when I read that…
What the hell?? You should at least sell it to someone. Do you know how much money you’d make?!
I just did this shit to prove to myself that the “shame nun” from GoT was the boss from Ted Lasso.
Shut up baby, I know it.
Such a fantastic quote! Amazing writers!
Stryker? I barely know her.
This was the type of quality we used to get from the motion picture industry.
I still remember my love/hate relationship with NetZero as a child. Wouldn’t have been able to surf as much without their free service. In the early days I was able to connect to the internet, then kill the process that was serving up that annoying ad banner along the bottom. I felt like a genius putting it to the man!
It was foretold.