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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • An antique crystal vase my parents received as a wedding gift.
    I was maybe in my tweens and bought flowers for some occasion (a birthday or anniversary maybe) and the florist said I should use boiling water to keep them fresh (yes, it is a thing), but obviously I misunderstood, and not knowing any better I added the boiling water directly in to the vase (which I chose because it was my favourite) and of course it exploded in my hand. Lucky I wasn’t hurt, and I did manage to glue some of it back together, but I was not getting away with it. My mother was furious.

  • There is no “trigger”, you not having dealt with people like that enough to recognise all of the glaring red flags (or perhaps being the one who posted them in the first place?) doesn’t mean they aren’t there, that post is 100% a troll. As is this one.
    There has been a lot of MRA style rage bait being posted recently, my guess is they have fewer people to troll on reddit (not because there are significantly fewer people, but because most of those who would actively disagree with them are no longer there to) so they’re trying to feed their sad little egos on here instead.
    The solution is to block and move on, as I will proceed to do now…

  • If people aren‘t mindful enough to stop buying a particular kind of yoghurt, how are you ever going to get them to vote, much less stage a revolution? I think we need to get out of our passivity

    How about people who aren’t mindful enough of those who can’t stop buying one brand or another, but especially of the reasons why??? (like - they only have one local store that only carries the one brand, or they carry two brand made by the same parent company, or they have three brands, two by the same company and the third by another one with just-as-bad practices. Or they’re too poor to buy the more “ethical” brand, or they simply don’t have the time in their day to even be aware of a boycott over exploitative practices, because they themselves are being exploited at 3 different jobs just to survive) I guarantee that a lack of that kind of mindfulness hurts the working class significantly more than the kind you’re angry about.

    If you want people to stop being “passive” - you destroy the system designed to keep them that way (not actually passive at all, they’re probably more active than you’ll ever be, just deliberately kept undereducated and too busy trying to survive), insisting on them continuing to play by the rules said system has made available to them (precisely because they have no real impact) only serves those in power to maintain the status quo.

  • I’m disabled myself, in the UK, where the government has already openly set its sites on killing disabled people (tens of thousands already dead in the past 13 years or so due to a deliberately nightmarish claiming system alone, never mind the defunding of our health and social care systems and the innumerable deaths that has lead to), and I can tell you that sadly your fears are well founded.

    If you can, find leftist disability activists near you, and see if there is anything you can do to help (it can be anything from donating and spreading info online, to being present at demos and taking other direct action).

    They aren’t just going to leave us alone.

  • Oh, ecofascism is very real. Society in general has a massive ableist bias, and the media play a huge part in promoting that. Disabled people and those with long term conditions are often framed as basically disposable. It’s everywhere, but it really feeds well in to the often white supremacist and otherwise privileged liberal “eco worrier” movement, but also right wingers who hide their genocidal intentions under a guise of concern for the environment, and even some anarcho-primitivists who insist we “go back to monke” without any regard for the lives of those who depend on technology and modern medicine. The more you look, the more of it you’ll see.