Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Big real estate killed malls. They aren’t as efficient at generating rent due to their maintenance and upkeep costs, so real estate holdings firms are hell bent on liquidating them, subdividing them, and redeveloping the land piecemeal in ways that better optimize for fine access control and not having to take care of any “dead” non-money-making spaces such as the concourses between the stores. Instead: just parking lots between store fronts.

    Now there’s a Walmart, a Home Depot, an Applebee’s, a mattress store, a liquor store, and maybe a transient party supply store that will occasionally occupy a space on a seasonal basis. When a slot isn’t occupied by a tenant, they get to shut off the power, water, and climate control completely, and not have to end up wasting electricity or fuel conditioning the air of a space no one goes to right then.

    If you WANTED to make a mall work, you could, especially if you added faux “residential” space (actually retail space where the product being sold is storage and privacy, with “sleep” being “against the rules” but they built it to intentionally not know that that’s what the “customers” are doing there). Residential malls would guarantee a constant customer and worker base as people come and go to visit family and friends and end up shopping along the way.

    But they don’t want that.

    They want to sell a MINIMUM viable product, and charge maximally for it.

  • Ah, yeah, Venom is just a suit in the same way that a TARDIS is just a box, heh.

    IIRC, isn’t it that you don’t actually wear a symobiote as much as it kinda completely absorbs you? Sort of like … After a caterpillar goes inside a cocoon, it … Dissolves. Into caterpillar goop. And then the goop reforms into a butterfly.

  • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneFantasy Rule
    4 months ago

    children cannot consent despite the fact that they can comprehend human speech fully and are fully sentient so UH NO NOT OKAY VERY FUCKING FAR FROM OK

    now that said, depiction of an adult human being who is, from the very outset, pre-established to be of sound mind and fully informed AND consenting, but who also possesses strictly superficial attributes of fictional characters, remains within the bounds of the ethically acceptable.

  • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    5 months ago

    First of all I’m sorry it sounded like I was screaming at you.

    you’re not the one at fault for the overarching fuckery.

    Second of all my complaint is about a standing pattern of behavior, not specific people, and targeted harassment is the problem. I didn’t call for you–or anyone specific–to be excommunicated and shunned, so it is definitionally a separate issue.

  • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    5 months ago

    Who the fuck is WE? There’s no solidarity on the left. The plurality is more interested in eating each other alive for clout, making enemies for no good fucking reason, and brainlessly applying the no true scotsman fallacy except “no true leftist”. I so fucking desperately wanted to believe there was actually some kind of community here, but every time ANYONE gets into a position where they might be able to organize something greater than themselves the FUCKING crab mentality kicks in and they got DOGPILED. And not an insignificant part of this is driven by sock puppets operated by actual right wingers who are vapidly parroting leftist aesthetics, whipping up a rabid frenzy of torches and pitchforks, and motherFUCKERS on the left KEEP FALLING FOR IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. At this point every time I see someone on the left who is attacking anyone specific, i just drop them and stop engaging. THIS BEHAVIOR is why ‘we’ fucking lose over and over again.

    Instead of trying to punish each other, we should have been working together, but THAT is what “we” have been doing to “let” the right get away with shit. If we don’t have solidarity “we” have NO shot of taking ownership of “our” messaging.

    to the contrary, leftists don’t get to have snappy buzzwords UNTIL AND UNLESS there is a “WE” that has enough coordination to clearly define and DEFEND the definition OF those terms. The left needs to stick to PLAIN TEXT. No more bullshit in-group jargon. “we” can’t afford to be an “in-group”.

  • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    5 months ago

    racists literally intentionally and vociferously assert their conviction that the black community doesn’t matter, so, yes literally that. if something originated in the black community, or was prominent in black history, that makes it MORE susceptible to being hijacked by fascists, because that makes it a tantalizing target to them. not only do the ethnonationalist scum get to steal something, they ALSO get to debase and undermine one of their favorite targets while they do so. of fucking course they’re going to hijack it.