• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Can confirm. Neighbors house had an attic fire with knob & tube wiring.

    … Just like the stuff still in my place today. Eek! Landlord won’t upgrade unless there is a problem. In my house, the breakers are all 20amp and that’s a lot to run on, best guess, 70 year old wires.

    Oh, and do not assume anything is wired as expected. Test after. I’ve found a couple plugs “upgraded” to 3-prong by jumping the load and ground together. That made for a fun firework show when my metal fan touched something metal. Even the landlord was impressed by that stupidity.

    A cheaper solution is to take a copper wire and connect the ground screw of the socket to a water pipe. It does the job and is better than nothing.

  • I don’t think self hosting is average person territory at all.

    I noticed 2 services out of dozens weren’t working last week and restarted their docker containers when I got home. Working again! Easy.

    Nope. They only work on local LAN. Turns out IPv6 wasn’t working so I had a heck of a time tracking that down.

    Home assistant kept giving me errors about my reverse proxy not being trusted, but all the settings were correct. Tried adding IPv6 addresses too, but never got that working. The only thing that worked was change the network interface from Ethernet to wireless.

    There are a LOT of gremlins in selfhosting. It’s a fun hobby and rewarding, but definitely not for everyone.

  • That is a woefully incorrect correlation.

    For example, not that it was mentioned in the article, but lots of research and regulation go into hood design to minimize pedestrian injury in an unfortunate collision or reduce additional risks such as being pulled under the hood or exposed sharp point. Except the sharp edges, neither apply for motorcycles, but which have their own, unique safety requirements. And there could be hundreds of other examples I’m unaware of. That’s sort of why we have a government organization such as a DMV.

  • I think you are talking OBDII systems, and while they communicate with the ECU, that system wouldn’t need any GPS access. I don’t think it has a direct link with the cambus that would hold the more advanced data. (Which if memory serves, also doesn’t handle GPS.

    There is a dedicated port in my car specifically for data logging, but it only records realtime, not past travel. My GPS unit does track “breadcrumbs” if not following a road, but you’d have to interface directly to that computer. since there is no Bluetooth, there is no contact data or advanced privacy weaknesses.