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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Lucifer’s Hammer by Larry Niven is a fantastic book that might be near what you are looking for. It’s about an asteroid impact on Earth, this removes a lot of the population and infrastructure and the story focuses on a few different groups of people as they make do with what they can find or scavenge, and then the resource battling that goes on between groups.

    A story line I remember well is on a group that found an abandoned neighborhood and were astonished to find that it still had running water from the nearby local dam/reservoir. They lived here for quite a while in their relative luxury until it just stopped working one day. A burst pipe in some other neighborhood had slowly drained the dam faster than they would have used it up.

    Anyway, it’s a great book because it feels so realistic as to what would really happen and the struggles people would actually be going through.

  • It’s really accelerated in the past few years. It’s nearly impossible to just read an article or use any product without giving it some kind of information. Lots of people (myself included many times unfortunately) just accept this. I mean, what can be done? If you want or need to use the thing you almost have no choice. If you want to avoid information leaks or being tracked you have to do so much research and work just to find an option, and then hope they don’t get purchased by a company that will reverse it all. I hate it.

  • I don’t know anything about iOS development, but my guess is that since this is a google app they do show the chrome icon regardless if you have chrome installed or not. If you don’t have it, clicking that will take you to the App Store.

    They show safari because that comes on an iPhone that that’s the default default browser (i guess that’s the way to say that?)

    I don’t think they have a way to scan your phone for what other apps are installed and list the ones it thinks are web browsers here. What I mean is that I don’t think that it’s technically possible of feasible to display a Firefox icon here. How could it know you have that app?