• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Yeah no, applications need to be secure by default. Blaming the user does nothing to actually improve the security posture anywhere. The security posture of the app needs to be specifically designed with the least-skilled users in mind because they are also the most vulnerable to this type of problem. Google meanwhile is full of talented engineers who are experts at identifying and combatting this type of malware scam.

    To look at it another way, what google is actually doing here is intentionally exposing their users to malware in order to take a cut in the form of advertising revenue.

  • This is a weird take when “really rich guys doing depraved things” is a recurring villain trope across an awful lot of comic books and take up a huge portion of the narrative. Insane wealth is often framed so powerfully in these contexts that sometimes it can parallel superpowers.

    The green goblin and doc oc are just really rich guys that do fucked up things! It’s implies that spidey puts goons and henchmen into the justice system because of course he does, what else is he going to do? His other options are killing them or just letting them get away with whatever the insane rich guy wants to do, which is often some kind of terror attack on NYC. And those both suck too.

    Spidey is too busy trying to literally prevent some business tycoon from idk opening a demon portal under central park to also advocate for prison reform.

    Just let the stories be fun.

  • we have the technology! They’re called virtual tabletops and make for a decent D&D experience.I like https://foundryvtt.com/ personally because of the self hosting and the modding but if nobody in your group is a a computer-type nerd then it might not be the best choice.

    also if you want to get into it but nobody in your group has experience, you can find freelance DMs for relatively affordable per-session prices and they might provide a VTT that they want to use

  • There are periods in the game’s history where various formats were well designed and balanced and thus had a wide degree of viable decks, making the game generally enjoyable to actually play at both a casual and serious level.

    Unfortunately practically nobody can agree on when those times actually are.

    Draft and seald formats have also been consistenly popular and they completely exclude the collection aspect.