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Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Five@slrpnk.netto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneStone Rule
    10 days ago

    @disguy_ovahea has no idea what he’s talking about. He apparently attended a couple of protests and thinks he’s now an expert on social change.

    A horse race has about as much to do with women’s right to vote as Stonehenge does with climate change, but that didn’t stop Emily Davison’s direct action at the 1913 Epsom Derby from being a watershed moment in the struggle for women’s suffrage.

  • At the last family reunion, my mother and I were in charge of making all the food. We spent 3 days getting all of the groceries, and stacked fruits and vegetables in the family room, filled the bathtub with ice to keep the meat, and stacked the drinks in the garage.

    We fried the meat, boiled the noodles, mixed the salad, and cooked the chili. The entire counter and range were covered in pots and pans. Most of the intermediate cookware had been rinsed and was in the process of going through the dish cycle while we were setting tables out in the yard, when my Mom realized she hadn’t made any red pea soup. Her brother was flying in from the island for the occasion and she knew it was his favorite. The bag of peas had hid under a couch pillow, and we missed it while making the rest of the meal.

    We didn’t have enough time to wait for the cleaning cycle to finish, so I dumped out a shallow stainless steel flower vase and put that over the flame. There was no time to soak the peas, so my mom just mixed them raw with the broth, yams, carrots, milk, and spices, and then transferred them to a clean bowl once the cycle was complete. The soup didn’t look right, though. The peas and broth are supposed to have a full ruddy color, but the result was a much darker red like a beet.

    When uncle arrived he was really pleased to see we’d kept him in mind, but after the event was over and everyone had gone home, we found a pile of wet peas dumped behind some bushes. I learned a very important lesson that day: Those who make peas full-red solution in posse bowl, make violet-red solution inedible.

  • A late pattern in Reddit was personal subreddits - communities named after the account that created them. They were infrequently used, but it provided a smoother pipeline for people who lurked or commented in existing communities to become comfortable making posts and moderating communities themselves.

    Ideally these communities would be prevented from appearing in the “Trending Communities” list or local/global feeds unless someone other than the owner was subscribed to them, but wouldn’t be private in the sense that no-one could see them. Just they wouldn’t get wide distribution.

    Another pattern is the “Country Club” post - where individual posts in a community could be limited to people verified to post in restricted threads. This comes from BlackPeopleTwitter. The individual verification method is likely not the only way to achieve this. People who comment or vote could be limited to only those who share the instance, are subscribed to the community before the post is made, or are members of instances whitelisted by the community.

    Both of these patterns are interpretations of ‘private’ to mean ‘restricted’ and not ‘secret’.

  • I’ve seen the hype about bamboo as a climate panacea, and there’s a lot wrong with this line of thinking.

    First, and this is a quibble, but bamboo is not a tree, it is a grass, in the same family as oats, wheat, rye, and bluegrass. Trees absorb more carbon than a bamboo plant; the bigger the tree, the more carbon it absorbs. Bamboo gets hype because a field of bamboo can absorb more carbon than a forest of trees in the same area of land. Bamboo’s carbon absorption stats doesn’t come from special biology, but the fact that it grows both tall and tightly packed, while other grasses don’t grow as tall, and mature trees aren’t tightly packed.

    But trees are still extremely effective carbon sinks, and land with trees on it can have multiple uses, while land filled with bamboo is impassable. A large mature tree can absorb enormous amounts of carbon while also decreasing the cooling requirements of homes beneath its shade.

    Bamboo has limited use besides being a carbon sink. It is an invasive species, so widespread adoption of bamboo farming outside its natural habitat can decimate biodiversity. In climates with long dry seasons, dried and dead bamboo is a fire hazard. The tightly packed stalks gives fire a continuous path, and the hollow sections explode when heated, spreading the fire even further. When bamboo is burned, its carbon is released back into the atmosphere.

    The focus for building biological carbon sinks shouldn’t be on min/maxxing short term carbon absorption, but on keeping that carbon from returning to the atmosphere at the end of a crop’s lifecycle.

  • Five@slrpnk.nettoMemes@sopuli.xyzHistory repeats itself
    7 months ago

    I’m a poor person, and I’m certain fluoridated water has saved me thousands in dental bills over my lifetime. This is not some sinister corporate conspiracy to harm the poor.

    I’m getting seriously tired of debunking fluoride misinformation. If you’re not going to link to peer-reviewed science supporting your claims, you should stop posting.

  • Five@slrpnk.nettoMemes@sopuli.xyzHistory repeats itself
    7 months ago

    During the last thirty years, there has been an attempt to find a possible association between the use of mouthwash with alcohol and its relationship with oral cancer. However, epidemiologically, there has been no conclusive evidence. Few epidemiological studies are found in the literature and they have contradictory results.

    Alcohol-based mouthwash as a risk factor of oral cancer: A systematic review

    Oral application of ethanol is correlated with cancer, but statistically significant results are associated with heavy alcohol consumption, re-enforcing my point that dosage determines effect. If you already start the day with a whiskey breakfast, mouthwash isn’t doing you any favors health-wise.

  • Five@slrpnk.nettoMemes@sopuli.xyzHistory repeats itself
    7 months ago

    You don’t need to drink it to have an effect. Ethanol is absorbed through the roof of your mouth.

    The point I’m making is that dosage determines effect, and not all poison bio-accumulates in harmful ways. Lead does accumulate and no level of exposure is safe, but fluoride and ethanol are metabolized and harmless in small amounts, even in chronic exposure conditions like drinking water from non-naturally fluoridated sources.

    There are natural sources of water that are geologically fluoridated and are toxic, but if it is being added intentionally under regulated conditions, then it is not toxic. Therefore, fluoride is poison but publicly fluoridated drinking water is not poisonous.

  • Five@slrpnk.nettoMemes@sopuli.xyzHistory repeats itself
    7 months ago

    Also requires 100x thicker walls for the same integrity as plastic, meaning the same volume container weighs much more and requires more fossil fuel to transport. Glass makes sense for reusable containers in local economies, but in the case of global distribution, glass puts much more CO2 in the atmosphere than plastic.