• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Biden won’t either, because he’s already proved he can win this race and you don’t retire a winning horse.

    this isn’t 2020. it’s 2024, and a different race. Trump has had 4 years to retcon (or rather double down?) on his reputation. (whatever, he’s had four years to shore up his support.). Further, in 2020… the war in ukraine hadn’t started yet, neither had the Israeli genocide in gaza; the Pandemic was still on-going (and trump was fucking up left right and center on that.)

    the point being, the circumstances are different and Biden has a lot of baggage he’s carrying- especially lately with Gaza. As they say in stocks: Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

    It’s going to be a battle, and I’m not sure Biden can win.

    That said, Trump belongs in jail. (or the grave. I make exceptions for certain things. like being a rapist pedophile traitor.)

    In a sane world, that should be enough for a cardboard cut out of Yogi Bear to win. I used to think that Princess Amidala being 14 and the planetary head of state was hilariously unrealistic, yet here we are hoping to elect an asshole that supports genocide because the other guy is a cartoon villain that would happily genocide his own citizens because they didn’t let him do his pedophile-rape thing. It’s the kind of plot Palpatine would appreciate.

  • For the record, that would be an illegal order and should be refused by everyone involved in the military chain.

    (Whether or not it is refused is a different matter.)

    They sent back the question of what is an official act. And when the judge comes back with something like “official acts are those in which a president is acting in an official capacity as the president to fulfill obligations and duties of the president.” (IANAL….so there’s probably some anal retentive detail that is super critical in missing)

    In any case, when challenging the election, that is not an official act- that was something done by Trump-the-candidate.

    Inviting foreign dignitaries, however frequently is. (But probably not when selling out America and other spies to keep compromat from leaking)

    Organizing an insurrection in the US never is, however.

    I’m alarmed by the alarm in the dissent- they probably know where this is going, but POTUS has enjoyed some immunity anyhow as far as official acts go. And when it’s kept to a reasonable understanding… that’s more or less good.

    Their alarm suggests that the majority here is not going to have a reasonable understanding when that gets appealed.

  • Are you the gf? Do you know if they did? Or will?

    Or are you just assuming?

    Or are you suggesting that I’m being over dramatic? Cuz, she woke him up in the middle of sleeping at night. Sleep deprivation is absolutely a form of torture, and while it’s probably not sleep deprivation (yet) it’s absolutely manipulative as fucking hell.

    I can’t know if OP is exaggerating or not, or if they’re going to or not. Yes that’s an assumption on my part.

    As related, though, the behaviors described are heavily manipulative.

    As related: she decided unilaterally when to have that conversation. And she decided to do it when OP was near-comatose in sleep. An altered state that being roused from does not contribute to reasonable conversation.

    Walking away is fine, but it could have (and should have,) waited until the morning.

    Now look at what she’s saying is the problem- he missed a text, but also wasn’t waiting to escort her downstairs. Ultimately- if this is legitimate on her part it’s “you don’t care about me”.

    Now look at the fears she is expressing- that it’s literally unsafe to get dropped at the curb and walk in. While it’s certainly possible, the reality is that if it’s that unsafe, then asking what he’d do- and she jumps straight to killing?!

    And the CCTV stuff- which OP has no realistic way of knowing or resolving.

    Yeah; no. All of this is meant to put OP on the defensive, in a state that OP is not able to think clearly. As relayed it’s straight up manipulation, and if the most vile sort.

  • This is absolutely manipulative.

    Whether she realizes it or not, refusing to engage or talk about it, except in her own time frame- is not a good sign for a healthy relationship, and when she did decide to talk about it, put you into a compromised position- being unable to think clearly.

    The questions she’s asking are meant to elicit fear and massive guilt. Though to be blunt, I’m going to assume there’s no real danger of any of that happening, I assume the neighborhood is fairly safe. Because usually it is.

    As for what you’d do…? Call the cops. Duh. You (probably) don’t have the resources to find any one and kill them, and besides which, if she’s really asking that you do, uhm… dodge that bullet.

  • insults aren’t illegal, and spam mail isn’t generally illegal either. as far as I know, there’s no law against sending an occasional email even if it is spam. the general exceptions are for commercial/businesses types and that’s generally only really illegal when it breaks the email carriers.

    besides which, the OP is talking about opening a ticket on Reddit’s customer service system, not actually sending an email. Spez won’t even see it.

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.worldtoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldI don't appreciate that.
    23 days ago

    Malware is any unwanted thing on your computer that either you or your system has to deal with, whether in the form of software, emails, or pop-ups.

    Malware is Malicious Software it’s a very specific thing, Cisco defines it as :

    Malware, short for malicious software, refers to any intrusive software developed by cybercriminals (often called hackers) to steal data and damage or destroy computers and computer systems. Examples of common malware include viruses, worms, Trojan viruses, spyware, adware, and ransomware. Recent malware attacks have exfiltrated data in mass amounts.

    Cisco defines spam as:

    Spam email is unsolicited and unwanted junk email sent out in bulk to an indiscriminate recipient list. Typically, spam is sent for commercial purposes. It can be sent in massive volume by botnets, networks of infected computers.

    Sally from Accounting hitting reply all? spam. Kyle sending out embarrassing photos of Steve to everyone? Spam. your fifth cousin’s baby photos? well, I assume that’s spam. maybe you like baby photos.

    those chain letters? spam. but not malware. They might contain malware, but the email itself is not malware. For example, a malicious image, won’t load- it has to go fetch the image first. Until you load the remote content, it’s not malware. It’s just a way of pointing you at the malware.

    That said, it’s important to note that Raw Story is a legitimate company that wants your business. They’re not going to intentionally send you malware. mostly they’re going to be using the remote content to load pretty images and set up some basic telemetry (essentially read receipts. Maybe a cookie if you’re using a web client for your email, or perhaps clicked a link.) This is true of most legitimate companies. They want your business, so they’re not going to so brazenly piss you off with ransomware or a trojan.

    As long as you’re not loading remote content and clicking links, there’s basically nothing that email can do to you. you can train your email client to recognize it as spam and send it straight to the bin; reducing potential accidental openings.