• 7 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Living in the US, I see on a daily basis the indifference to climate. It’s been heavily politicized. One side cares a little, the other side does not care one bit. It’s very sad to see.

    I also lived in Europe for many years where climate is less politicized and more mainstream. Most people try to do their best to contribute regardless of their political preferences. It’s a big difference to what I see in the US.

  • Been in both the healthcare systems of the US and several European healthcare systems for many years.

    I honestly don’t know why Americans accept their healthcare system. It’s insane. Everyone’s worried about healthcare all the time. People pay excessively out of pocket for almost no coverage. And God forbid you get sick. Not only will you have to deal with the illness, you’re also staring down a possible bankruptcy.

    Edit: In Europe, you just go to the emergency room or the doc or the hospital. No need to look up anything. In most places you have a small healthcare ID card that you show when you check in. Many systems don’t have any co-pays or deductibles. You just go and done. Some systems have a small co-pay for hospital stays or other services. In Germany, the co-pay for a hospital stay is €10 per day with a max of €280 per calendar year. In Denmark, there are no co-pays or deductibles for any healthcare service except dental. In Germany, most dental services are included without co-pays.

    If you’re an EU citizen and you need medical care in a different EU country than where you reside, you have a special EU health card that gives you the right to the same healthcare services as a citizen of the country where you are seeking treatment.