Open up a dispute with your credit card company. The merchant will have to provide a receipt of some type to the bank, to prove a transaction took place
Open up a dispute with your credit card company. The merchant will have to provide a receipt of some type to the bank, to prove a transaction took place
I agree, although the plastic will crack /split along one of the folds eventually, rendering it unusable
Still, that style is my goto
That’s a toilet plunger. Exactly. Sink plungers have no flange. :)
I don’t know if it’s better, but it’s definitely good! Like cold pizza is good. It’s just a different food.
And that’s only a club cab. 4-door pick ups are the absolute worst thing
Water contains two elements, hydrogen (very explosive) and oxygen, which can make almost anything burn. You’d think tossing a match into a body of water would end all life, for the amount of stored Oxygen and Hydrogen. It won’t because it is essentially ash. Inert. It takes a large amount of energy to separate the Oxygen and Hydrogen from each other, before either could be used again. That is the problem. That’s why we don’t pour a gallon of water into a tank and head across country.
Down votes? Apparently some do not appreciate your humor. I laughed.
Yeah, back in the day of dial-up connections, we used to insert two commas
So when I tap the icon it automatically always shows “all” communities and “active” I would like it to know me, and my preference to stay at “local” and “hot”…
I like this one, but I don’t see where to edit my profile at all. Hopefully it will remember my filter preferences in future releases. Overall, good job!
When is a car not a car? When it turns into a driveway!