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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • I’ve seen it online more recently, but I do think it’s something most people don’t care about. So for now it seems like the best way to handle it is to just do what you normally do, and if someone says they don’t like it, don’t use it for them.

    Until then, as a wise man once said, “I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. We’re all dudes. Hey.”

  • HipHoboHarold@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    5 months ago

    Also, the cloth hanging over on to the side of the bag could melt the plastic, and then catch fire

    Or it might just not break and spread

    I get the point of misinformation isn’t that it needs to make sense, but some times I hear this stuff and wonder fucking why? At least try.

  • HipHoboHarold@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    5 months ago

    BLM and Occipy aren’t organizations. There is a BLM organization. But that’s like if I created an organization called Feminism. That wouldn’t make Feminism an organization. That just means there’s an organization based on the movement.

    Feel free to take a seat.

  • HipHoboHarold@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    5 months ago

    Even that’s a terrible view, politics aside.

    I slap someone.

    I shank them with a rusty scrap of metal to the neck

    One of these is obviously worse. Yes, both are violence. Yet to simply try and paint them as such would show you’re either not arguing in good faith, or, as respectfully as possible, your brain hasn’t fully developed.

    But let’s mix it up. I slap someone. But I, a man that’s 6’2" and does physical labor, slapped an infant for crying. Seems a little worse than it did at first, huh?

    I am being attacked by a random person who is trying to murder me, and in a panic, I grab something, and attack him with it. Turns out it was a rusty piece of metal. Now we have hints of self defense.

    Once again, still violence, but both were to different degrees, and the context changed both of them.

  • HipHoboHarold@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlMath
    5 months ago

    I’m guessing that means this is also the dude who claimed people threw cement at him, when it was a milk shake.

    Then they claimed the milkshake had cement in it, so people pointed out things like sugar would keep cement from hardening.

    Then the cops said they had no reason to assume it was concrete, and no one suggested it was, despite them and the guy being the ones who said it was concrete.

  • I think this is it. Most of us get the boxed Turkish delight around Christmas time, and based our views on that. Sort of like fruit cake. While I’m still not a huge fan of it, getting some freshly made instead of the shit people normally get in the sake shitty packages makes a world of a difference.

    Granted, not everyone is gonna like it either way, but I’ve heard from a lot of people to get some of the good stuff.

  • One of my friends in high school had one of those small trucks, and I always thought it was so cool. I’m not sure how often she used the bed, but it got decent milage still, it looks cool, and I’m sure it came in handy eventually. If I was looking for a truck, I would totally buy one. But I’m sure as shit not buying one of those pointlessly giant ones. Nothing about them is appealing.

  • It’s less that there’s not a demand so much as supply and demand work together. Not appart. When it comes to accounting, there are different ways to look at different things. The main one is financial accounting. Another one is taxes.

    In the case of this: managerial accounting. Something that a lot of corporations seem to be failing at lately. Managerial accounting is basically finding information to report to the managers. For instance, breaking down the cost of an item to see how much it costs to produce, comparing it to how much it makes, etc.

    One thing they do is figuring out how much to raise the cost of a good/service. It’s a slight gamble in that you can never be 100% sure, but they try to find that sweet spot where they can raise it without scaring away too many people and eventually losing money. In this case, they charge too much. The cost of flying, like everything else, has gone up. And we get worse service while there. So if you’re raising the cost of the different services, and you find that people are now only going with the cheaper option, you have likely started over charging. You need to drop the price of both services.

    For instance, I might be willing to spend an extra $50 for an upgrade. But if you raise the price of the cheap service by $100, now I don’t have the money. Make the gap between the two $100, and now I really don’t have enough.

    Of course, when every company made it a race to riase proces as much as possible, at this point I don’t think many companies have much of a choice. They all kind of fucked everything all at once, including themselves. But they made a profit in the short term, so there’s that.

  • The Ranger was actually the one I was picturing. One of my friends in high school had one, and we all thought it was so cool. This was in a small town in Texas, so we could all ride in the back, which looking back… yeah, not the best idea. I’ve heard stories of people getting hurt. So I wouldn’t do it anymore. But it was always just a cool truck and I was always a little jealous of her.

  • That’s what I keep thinking about. Like sometimes I would love an older, smaller styled truck. It could be really useful, but it sucks they aren’t really an option anymore.

    But then I think about it, and how often would I use it? I just bought a TV and had to have it delivered because it wouldn’t fit in our car. We recently moved, and it would have been great.

    But other than that, I honestly can’t think of any time recently I’ve needed it.

  • I legitimately don’t think they do. Hence why when Trump got elected they said he was fixing the economy day one… because it was going up… from the things Obama did…

    They really can’t grasp that it’s not always who is president on that date. Or that somethings aren’t caused by them.

  • Feeling like a consumer is a great way to put it. It especially feels more and more like it when trying to do even the most mundane tasks. Like if you own a product but need to ask a question on Google about it, first you have to scroll past the links to pages trying to sell you the product you typed in, then you might get some reddit links, 2-3 from a smaller forum, and then more links trying to sell you the product. It will say there’s thousands of results, but it’s just the same 6 links to purchase the product over and over again. So now even basic web searches are mainly for buying stuff.

  • Yup. I feel much more hopeful and motivated shortly before bed. I wake up, feel like shit. Go to work, where I obviously feel like shit. Go home tired from work, feel like shit. Then I get to rest and I feel a bit better.

    But it’s also not wrong in that I know not to trust that version of me, and that I’m not gonna do anything differently the next day. So still accurate.

  • I think we can also show we didn’t do what people think what we did when we look at things on a time line.

    WW2 ended in 1945.

    Emmett Till was murdered in 55. 10 years later. Ruby Bridges went to what was an all white school in 1960. That was 15 years later. The Civil Rights Act happened in 1964. 19 years later. The MOVE Bombing happened in 85. 40 years later.

    The Stonewall Riots happened in 69. 24 years later. The UpStairs Lounge Arson attack happened in 73. Which was 28 years later. Harvey Milk was assassinated in 78. 33 years later. The Shelby bookstore murders happened in 87. So 42 years after.

    We can sit here and list different events all day that happened after the war. We were the good guys off fighting evil, and those soldiers would totally hate the bigotry we see today… Except there’s a good chance that tbe vast majority of them weren’t any better. Even the black soldiers still weren’t allowed to fight with the white ones. We were fighting fascism over there while it was still happening over here.