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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024

  • war on drugs. that is one of the eighties backsteps. doubling down on the bs. Where do you get the easy. its a question of relative direction and quality of the times. if you say never then you are saying whats happeing now a days is just fine. its all the same. again its driection. the voting rights act was from 1965 but the 2013ish gutting of it is showing up now in many of those states that were limited by it and they are now making last minute laws right before elections to curtail peoples right to vote. its not a good situation. its going backwards.

  • yeah I mentioned the same about with the hard/soft cutoffs but generations are as much a thing as nationalities. its a shared experience and trends and such. I laugh because I live near my high school and they have these boards on the fence with all these awards and accomplishments for teams and clubs over the years but there is a big gap for the 80’s and 90’s. My generation representing.

  • many people don’t have have it easy now, including black people. Hippie was a thing, yuppie was a thing, reagan democrats were a thing, Xers not trying in the system was a thing. tic toc is a thing. these were popular among certain groups of people at certain times and define generations. there is no hard or soft cutoff is true and its all approximation and class is far more defining than anything else no matter where you feel (if you actually realize the class your in). Its not completely arbitrary though

  • they even came of age in the 60’s for the older half. But again this was a period of improvement. civil rights got better in this time and much of it was do to boomers buat again the draft was a big reason for the hippie era. EDITED - just wanted to say generations are not complete bullshit. its like stereotypes. there is truth to them but not every individual will be like that.

  • well yeah and your taking the 60’s and its not like it would be better to be black in the 50’s. What im trying to say is things basically improved until we started periodically regressing in the 80’s and beyond. It was like two steps forward one step back and became one step forward two steps back and you can’t broadly apply it to white men either but im not talking about people im talking about the time periods and living in one to the other. If you go back to the OP its about getting criticized by the older generation and responding with their own failings. Which existed. I mean the boomer claim to fame is basically the hippie erra. yuppie and beyond was not great but the hippie era was a direct result of the draft. There were some earnest individuals trying to stop pollution and improve human rights but there was also some who just did not want to get killed and enjoyed the drugs.

  • I mean there is a thing going all the way back to the silent generation who had a taste of the depression and so had some knowledge of truly bad times. Even younger boomers had a decent chance of getting a job that you could raise a family with just a high school degree and older ones could be pretty successful. Having a pension was the usual. Losers who managed fast food could still afford a place of their own and a fixer upper car. I saw these things go away as an Xer but I know its still better than those after me. college loans for me was like a car loan. A very nice car, like luxury care, but still a car. So college was doable even for those whose parents could not help out. It was not long after I graduated that college loans became like mortgages for the millenials. You can have a car loan with no car and get by and you can’t be doing a mortgage with no shelter to show for it. All the while a college degree debased to where its basically the high school minimum needed for any shot. Its that much worse for gen Z and I don’t even want to imagine what gen alpha will have. Thats just economic. Then you take the giant fall back we had with environmental regulations with reagan. There was a lot of environmental consciousness in the 70’s and it essentailly evaporated in the 80’s with yuppies and greed is good. Granted this is mostly a republican effect but who were the reagan democrats? I get that many boomers are great and its not that the generations that follow are individually so great but the way its shaken out it just gets to be a more and more raw deal for each successive generation.