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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Everyone is kind of following the same trend now. It doesn’t matter if it is the right or wrong decision. Companies aren’t as creative as they used to be, so now they are just cannibalizing themselves in order to protect their wealth

    Though it looks like the video game industry is about to go upside down. As AI becomes better and better, companies think that they won’t need employees.

    In fact it is the reverse.

    Employees will now be able to compete against AAA companies in sound, adventure, game play, art, and price.

    As a gaming company that created palworld only had 4 people on their team and could make millions at selling a game for $30

    Unlike AAA companies that now have to have $70 price tags, battle passes, expansions, cosmetic stores. And at the end of the day can’t even put out a decent working product.

    Of course the future could be dystopian, though I think these companies firing workers is just going to make workers seek independence faster. And find it in AI.

  • Dues deduct from your paycheck

    So does every other subscription “service.”, but we don’t talk about the vileness of a Netflix subscription do we?

    No guarantees on pay, benefits, or work rules

    This is just a lie. I cannot find another angle to it.

    Even without a union, there is no guarantees on pay, benefits, or work rules. So the point is moot. It’s like saying “Anything is possible” and walking away like you said something sagely.

    Typically must go through union instead of your supervisor or manager

    Most people wouldn’t understand why this matters unless you’ve been apart of a job where your manager has defended you against your supervisors. Very few people have had this happen, but the idea is that you will have people that DEFEND YOU from your supervisors getting power hungry.

    It’s not even like your supervisor can’t bring accusations against you, it just means that complaints would have to have merit.

  • You can tell me I am wrong in any of this and I will apologize immediately. That being said I think there is only one problem here

    It appears the only thing keeping the cookies on the tray was a piece of wax paper and an air cushion. I think something happened to your wax film as it became loose and no longer contained the cookies. Possibly because of heat or condensation.

    If the blot stain on the side is any indication, as it is absent from all other corners of the box. I believe your cookies ended up on their side completely unguarded from any wax film. Just cardboard, cookies, and whatever physics happened between here and there.

    One way I would suggest to fix this is by vacuum sealing them if you wish to avoid this problem again. Though I imagine bakers and logistics experts will give you much better advice then this.

  • I understand your argument coming from someone that sees the implications of something like surgery and sees something barbaric.

    But then I would ask, is it the surgical procedure that bothers you?

    If you could snap your fingers and change genders, is there still harm in this? Would people be more accepting if you could change genders like you could change the profile pic in discord to an anime character?

    Scientifically, we will eventually get there, I know this because that’s progress. How we get there depends on the answer to the questions:

    A. What is causing this?

    Is it possible our archaic way of understanding the brain might be centuries old?

    B. Do we even understand the problem?

    In my opinion, I would say no. We are beginning to, but that isn’t going to happen if we wall off help for these people and treat them like outcasts.

    We also cannot force them into a ideal system: male/female, when the reality is that nature has big flaws that happen at birth:

    • Blindness
    • Deafness
    • Mute
    • Mental deficiencies
    • ADHD
    • Autism
    • Multiple personality disorder
    • Bi-polar disorder
    • psychopathic tendencies
    • Heart deformities
    • Brain deformities
    • Neurological disorders

    I feel like I am reading a medical journal, so I hope I made my point: Nature isn’t perfect, so the cures won’t be either, but at least trans people aren’t killing people in their quest for help, they are just wearing more drag. Which at this point is it’s own art form.

  • As the people on the track are moving at an accelerated speed of 0 m/s, normally a train would apply the full force of the train moving to the meat bags human ethic problems on the tracks.

    As newton’s first law states F = m*a, or Force = Mass * acceleration

    F = x * 0 = 0 N of force

    thus, they could just plop out as if falling after having a chair removed.

  • I guess this could be a glass half full kind of situation.

    But they also are not making as much money as they could have if they delivered on a good game. Even if they got only 5% of steam, that is still 95% of steam that didn’t buy it.

    Sure, you can make the argument that they still got into a new market. However, if your product was scientifically engineered to appeal to the most demographics, then only 5% of that market is concerning.