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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023

  • I feel like a lot of the more modern problems with our society stem from people NOT calling out and shaming dumbasses. Ignorance used to be a thing to be ashamed of, now people wear it with a badge of pride. I think some of that comes from the internet, which has allowed people to ignore any criticism and find echo chambers of fellow idiots to circle jerk each other into believing they’re right.

    Ignorance and stupidity deserve to be called out, and those who spread it shouldn’t be protected from embarrassment.

  • God, you’re so cool and edgy, bro! Bro, everyone loves when you shove politics into things, bro. Your hot takes are always so fucking on point, bro! I fucking love it!

    The other day, bro, I was getting groceries and the cashier asked “paper or plastic?” and another bro behind me chimed in and said “OR sleepy Joe and fascist Kamala?!” and I creamed my fucking pants right there in the store.

    Tell me more, bro. You got me so fucking hot, bro. Let’s go to a child’s birthday party and interrupt the happy birthday song by shouting about America’s foreign policy. They’ll be so fucking impressed, bro. And then we can make out over the birthday cake while we explain the failures of capitalism, bro.

    God, I’m so hard now, bro. Please, bro. PLEASE! Make me cream myself, bro. Make me cream myself to the sounds of your hot fucking takes on the geopolitical climate, bro! Bro!

  • If it did, it could only have been a positive effect. From a logistics standpoint, what happened that day is nothing short of astounding. Less than 3 hours after making the decision, the ENTIRE US airspace was cleared of all commercial traffic. 4500 planes were re-routed and grounded at a time of extreme uncertainty. It may have been his first day, but the guy did his job flawlessly.

  • I feel like there’s a lot of variables here. I am making some assumptions here, but as an example, I don’t think the hospitals in Gaza would have things like multiple MRI’s or CT Scanners that you would find in more developed areas. Those things require a pretty large amount of power. I know a lot of hospitals in undeveloped regions often only have one, sometimes none at all.

    I think the only thing that can give some perspective is how big the diesel tanks are at the hospital. How much does 300L fill them? If that’s like a quarter or less of their total capacity, then yea, that’s not enough. But if that fills them by over half, then I kind of get it. You can only deliver so much at a time if you don’t want trucks of fuel parked outside the hospital, which just seems like a bad idea for many reasons.